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For many people, 300ng/dL is a very low testosterone level. If the testosterone level is this value, there may be certain symptoms of low testosterone. However, normal testosterone levels range from 264 to 916ng/dL, indicating that 300ng/dL is a normal value. Why is there such a wide range of testosterone levels?
This is because men’s testosterone levels are constantly changing throughout their lives, and this change generally follows the same rule, that is, “with the growth of age, and year by year.” The age of 20 is about the highest level of testosterone in a man’s life, and after that, testosterone levels will decline every year.
It is true that there are people whose testosterone level rise with age without the use of exogenous testosterone and other drugs that promote testosterone production. Here is a case study of a 40-year-old man with a blood test result of total T=1082 and Free T=10. According to him, he did not use exogenous testosterone, nor did he use other drugs that would promote testosterone production.
The hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) controls the secretion of testosterone. When the body’s testosterone levels are low, HPTA activates positive feedback to start promoting testosterone secretion. When the body’s testosterone level reaches the maximum threshold, HPTA initiates a negative feedback that begins to inhibit the secretion of testosterone, so that the testosterone level is in dynamic equilibrium.
The normal testosterone level is between 264 and 916ng/dL, the maximum 916 is about the testosterone level of a man when he is 20 years old, and the minimum 264 is the testosterone level of an elderly man. What happens if a man reaches the age of 40 and finds that his testosterone level exceeds 1,000 ng/dL? Of course, at first you might be happy, like you’re 20 again. Then, you might worry, is there something wrong?
When the testosterone level exceeds the maximum of this age, the first thing to consider is whether there is a problem with HPTA, at this time, the pituitary gland is usually checked, whether the pituitary tumor affects the function of HPTA.
If the test is completed and no physical problems are found, it is also possible to have a testosterone level of 1000ng/dL at the age of 40, and it is said that some young men in the Colombian army test for testosterone levels as high as 1500 ng/dL, which may be related to genetics.
Are there other factors that cause testosterone levels to rise? It is said that this man measured his testosterone level above 1000 after he lost weight. Do you know how much weight he lost? Two hundred pounds. And he’s still on a diet.
Some experiments have shown that fasting increases testosterone levels. At the same time, he has lost a lot a weight and is a new him now. People who are overweight have lower testosterone levels than people of normal size. If a person is severely overweight at a young age, then his testosterone levels are low, and when he loses weight and keeps building muscle, more muscle requires more testosterone levels to maintain, then his testosterone levels will be much higher than if he is obese. At the same time, if he is still on a diet, testosterone levels do rise naturally.
Of course, if there is a sudden natural increase in testosterone levels, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time to rule out the factors of disease.