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What is anabolic steroids
Anabolic steroids are similar to synthetic male sex hormones. They are a class of synthetic derivatives similar to the human male hormone testosterone in structure and activity.
The effect of anabolic steroids
The effects of anabolism can increase skeletal muscle growth, and the effects of male sex hormones can make male sexuality more obvious. All synthetic androgen steroids have a chemical structure similar to testosterone. In addition to increasing muscle bulk and strength, and maintaining muscle mass during active or passive weight loss, these drugs also act as androgens. In addition, it can speed up the recovery after training and help increase the intensity and duration of training.
Because of these impressive effects,people of all ages are tried to use anabolic steroids. If everyone who has tried Anabolic steroids had followed the professional advice and used Anabolic steroids to the proportions prescribed, this misuse would not have happened. In fact, not everyone can follow the rules.
For example, Nandrolone Decanoate is formulated at a dose of 200mg per week, which is acceptable to the body at normal doses and reversible if there is an effect on the body. However, Some people will increase the dose to 1000mg per week, or even 2000mg per week. Such a large dose once caused irreversible effects on his body, will be too late to regret.
The misuse of people and the reasons
People of all ages have been known to misuse these drugs, including the regular bodybuilder, the misuse of People who pursue their ideal body shape, adolescent boys, etc.
1.For ordinary bodybuilders, if they just want to work out for their health, Anabolic Steroids are not necessary for some basic fitness exercises.
2. People who pursue their ideal body shape. When their own efforts have reached the limit, but the effect is not as obvious as they imagined, or fails to achieve the effect advertised by some institutions, such people will try to use Anabolic steroids to improve their physique, so as to achieve the perfect body shape they imagined.
3. Adolescent boys. Adolescence is a special period of life, in this stage , boys psychologically affected by the surrounding is very big, they are easy to produce some bold ideas and practices, even, there will be some extreme practices. Based on the above factors, anabolic steroids may be incorrect used.
For adolescent boys, however, the timing of development is different depending on the timing of their hormones. Some people develop early, but development also ends early, so we can safely wait for our hormone release time.
At the same time, they can also tell their parents about their confusion, so that their parents can adjust their diet structure and increase nutrition intake.
We don’t recommend anabolic steroids for adolescents unless it’s recommended by a physician
Too much won’t be good, whatever it is. Drugs need to be used under the guidance of professionals. You can’t use them just by imagining. Or just you had used, and you feel ok, you may think that you are not misuse them, its wrong.
After all, life is only once, the body is your own.Lost things can not be returned, all our decisions must be cautiousness, we must listen to the advice of professionals.
If you need to know the product information, you can contact us. If you want to know the right formula for you, go to the hospital for a professional examination and follow your doctor’s advice.