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We don’t know from what time,more and more people around us a facing a fat problem.
We often said “middle-aged fat” in the past, now is the youth fat, young also fat, from children to adults, obesity problems plaguing people of all ages.
Obesity is not only a kind of appearance trouble, but also increases the burden of cardiovascular diseases, leading to cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes and lumen diseases, as well as endocrine, kidney, bone, nerve and other diseases.
Obese patients are four times more likely to suffer angina and sudden death, according to data.
Once, obesity, also known as a sign of affluence, represented material superiority. Now, obesity is the dread of every overnourished person.
Fortunately, we all know the harm of obesity, so more and more people start to exercise to keep fit;Start bodybuilding to improve your appearance; Start losing weight to get rid of the effects and potential dangers of obesity.
Health experts recommend that people exercise for at least 40 minutes every day to keep fit, but this is something few people can stick to.
Maybe it is because the body is too tired to support a long time of exercise, or maybe it is because the pressure of living in the city is too big, the time does not guarantee daily exercise.
Therefore, more and more sports auxiliary products appear in everyone’s sight, including AICAR, a new product.
AICAR is an AMPK activator, which regulates cell metabolism and determines whether fat is stored or burned in the body.
As we know, when our food contains high-calorie and high-fat substances, some of these substances enter the human body and provide the heat needed by the human body through oxidation, and the excess will be converted into fat and stored in the human body. AICAR increases glucose intake and reduces the amount of excess glucose stored in the body as fat, thereby reducing the risk of obesity at its root.
AICAR increases glucose intake, produces more energy in the body, and adjusts the body to a state suitable for exercise, which is conducive to supporting long-term exercise and better health.
What’s more, experiments have shown that AICAR, when applied to mice, tricks their muscles into thinking they’ve gone through a long, hard workout, so they burn fat faster and calories faster. Some of the inactive mice that received AICAR for four weeks burned more calories and had less body fat than those that did not. In this way, with the use of AICAR, we can make our exercise become more efficient, the same amount of exercise can burn more fat.
Such a multiplier effect makes AICAR more and more popular among people. However, whether it can achieve the multiplier effect depends on whether the AICAR you buy is genuine.
As more and more people buy AICAR, there are many middlemen selling AICAR in the market. The actual effect of AICAR is affected by the purity of the product. The higher the purity of the product, the better the use effect will be.
We are the manufacturer of AICAR, providing AICAR powder with purity higher than 99%. HPLC,MS, and HNMR tests are used for each batch of products to ensure product quality.
If you are interested in our products, you can contact us for more product information.