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Boldenone for bodybuilding is an anabolic steroid develop base on testosterone and is a derivative of testosterone. Based on testosterone, Boldenone has enhanced anabolic activity and low androgen activity, so its use will bring less androgen side effects while building muscle. Boldenone is a synthetic AAS that is also a naturally occurring hormone found in plants such as turmeric and witch hazel.
Synthetic Boldenone, link together with different esters, gives it different half-lives and thus has poor release time. There are three common forms of Boldenone acetate, Boldenone cypionate and Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise), which have half-lives of 3 days respectively. 12 and 15 days. Different half-life lengths enable bodybuilder to select corresponding Boldenone ester according to its own cycle length, so that Boldenone can better plan its bodybuilding cycle. No matter which ester form bodybuilder chooses, the final active ingredient is Boldenone.
Some say Boldenone was synthesized to create a long-acting injectable version of Dianabol. Dianabol has a large public base as the most popular anabolic steroid, but it is available in oral form. Bodybuilder tends to view injected anabolic steroids as having higher availability and better results, so the demand for Dianabol injections is very strong. Boldenone has a very similar action to Dianabol with lower androgen action.
In addition to the above points, Dianabol has a half-life of only 3-6 hours and Boldenone has a longer half-life, reducing the frequency of drug use. Moreover, Boldenone injection avoids the hepatotoxic side effects of Dianabol.
Boldenone, as a derivative of testosterone, will still be aromatized, but its probability of aromatization is lower than that of testosterone, about 50% of testosterone. Boldenone will retain some water when used in bodybuilding, but it is much lower than Deca and dianabol, Boldenone is suitable for long-term steady growth of muscle mass and strength and is therefore suitable for non-racing periods. Muscle growth with Boldenone is slimmer and pumpier, with increased vascular distribution.
Because Boldenone can increase appetite, it is not suitable for cutting, but it does not mean that Boldenone does not have the role of cutting. The anabolic action of Boldenone can effectively reduce fat and retain muscle mass in the cutting stage.