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What can I do to better help my weight loss progress while using Semaglutide?
While some people can achieve significant weight loss without making any dietary or lifestyle adjustments when using Semaglutide at some point, there are still some people who lose weight slowly or stop, or even gain weight. In this case, what do I need to do to keep losing weight during Semaglutide?
Weight loss depends on calorie deficiency, that is, intake of calories less than the calories consumed. Using Semaglutide suppresses appetite, so people are more likely to be caloric deficient. But it may be that some people’s appetite suppression is not as effective, especially as the body’s tolerance to Semaglutide increases.
In addition, if we don’t count calories, we may unknowingly consume too many calories without realizing it, resulting in slower or no weight loss. Counting calories will make the entire weight loss program more manageable, increase caloric awareness, and help us develop good lifestyle habits. After we have successfully lost weight and stopped using Semaglutide, good lifestyle habits and calorie awareness may help prevent weight regain.
Some people want to lose weight, but just talk about it, it is actually difficult to completely control their mouth. Then there are those who are so hard on themselves to lose weight that the fasts they promote may cause them to go an entire day without eating. But on Semaglutide, you may have to eat.
Semaglutide acts through the gastrointestinal tract and can cause more serious gastrointestinal side effects if you don’t eat at all, which can be alleviated by taking it in small amounts.
In addition to food, hydration is the same, and on Semaglutide, you have to drink more water than usual. Especially if you experience gastrointestinal side effects such as vomiting and diarrhea, you must replace electrolytes to prevent dehydration. Adequate hydration can reduce headaches and other side effects associated with dehydration.
On Semaglutide, excessive dieting leads to muscle loss, so we have to eat in addition. Eat more protein to help maintain muscle mass. Eat more fiber to promote intestinal motility and promote digestion.
Semaglutide has a lot of users and a lot of publicity, and you may often see someone losing a lot of weight on Semaglutide, or you may see someone losing weight very quickly, as much as 10 pounds in a week. However, you need to realize that every case you see is an individual case, and not everyone will lose a significant amount of weight quickly. There are still a lot of people who only lose 1 pound a week. You may be lucky. You may not be so lucky. If Semaglutide works for you, it will work no matter how much weight it helps you lose in a week. We don’t gain weight overnight, and we don’t lose it overnight. Every pound is a step toward success.
In general, healthier weight loss is not rapid weight loss, which can also bring a lot of side effects, such as malnutrition, a lot of hair loss. Slow and steady weight loss is the healthier way.
As long as Semaglutide works for you, do what you have to do and be patient.