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Since people discover the effects of testosterone and extracte it for their own use. A number of derivatives base on testosterone have been developed. These derivatives of testosterone are classified as anabolic steroids (AAS). They all have similar effects to testosterone, and in some ways are better than testosterone. Testosterone and AAS have been used by Bodybuilders for a long time, so what are the most common used AAS among the many, and which is the most popular one for Bodybuilders?
Using a survey of 626 bodybuilders, we put together a table shown below. As can be seen from the table, the most common used AAS by Bodybuilder are as the following:
Stanozolol, Testoterone, Anavar, Dianabol, Anadrol, Deca-Durabolin, Sustanon, Equipose, Trenbolone, Primobolan, Durabolin. Among them, the AAS most used by male bodybuilders is Stanozolol (winstrol) and Anavar (Oxandrolone) is the most used by female bodybuilders.
The above data is basically consistent with our common cognition.
Stanozolol is a derivative of DHT that can be used in bodybuilding to greatly increase strength and achieve a dry, hard muscular appearance. An important stat for whether an AAS is worth choosing for bodybuilders is its anabolic activity. The anabolic activity of Stanozolol is 320% of that of testosterone, and the ratio of its anabolic activity to its androgen activity is 30:1. 30:1 is a very good number in AAS. This is probably one of the main reasons why Stanozolol is the most popular AAS.Stanozolol (winstrol)
Anavar is the most popular AAS among female bodybuilders because it is the least androgenic of the existing AAS. Studies have shown that the side effects of masculinization are 5% of testosterone. This minimizes the risk of male side effects in women. So Anavar is the first choice for women to use AAS in bodybuilder.
Testoterone is the foundation of all AAS, it is used by many male bodybuilders as a stack when using other AAS. Here we can see that a larger percentage of female bodybuilders are already using it. Testoterone is the one that is easiest to see when a person is beginning to try using AAS. For female bodybuilders, also could gain a lot from developing a good cycle and dosage, and taking care to control side effects.