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When bodybuilders try a new supplement, they are usually told to start with the lowest dose to test the body’s tolerance and reduce side effects. We usually use Peptides follows this principle: start with a low dose and gradually increase to the target dose. Testosterone is the foundation of all AAS and is the first choice for boosting your body’s testosterone levels. Use testosterone to build muscle, should i start with a low dose?
Studies have shown that 100-125mg of testosterone per week can increase testosterone levels to baseline levels: 500-600ng/dL, and 300-600mg of testosterone per week can increase testosterone levels in users to 1300-2300ng/dL. Testosterone levels in normal adult males range from 300 to 1000ng/dL.
From these data, we can see that if the user has low levels and wants to raise their testosterone level to the baseline level to get rid of the effects of low testosterone levels, 100-125mg per week is the lowest dose level. If the user wants to use testosterone for muscle building purposes, 300-600mg per week is the lowest testosterone dose.
Different individuals have different adaptive dosages, and bodybuilders use testosterone to build muscle, usually starting at 500mg per week and ranging from 500 to 700mg per week.
Before using a new supplement, it is often preferred to start with a low dose to test the body’s tolerance and reduce the body’s response to the drug. Does this type of drug use apply to testosterone?
When a person with normal testosterone levels comes to build muscle using testosterone, in addition to androgen side effects, the first consideration is testosterone suppression. How does testosterone inhibition happen? As long as there is exogenous testosterone into the body, the natural testosterone production will be less, and a steady stream of exogenous testosterone into the body, the body’s natural testosterone production will be less, and a little less. Testosterone suppression can occur even with small doses of exogenous testosterone. However, if the testosterone dose is too small, it will not produce a good muscle building effect.
For muscle building, need a superphysiological dose of testosterone, so if the exogenous testosterone level is too low, you can’t raise your own testosterone level to the superphysiological level, there is not much effect on muscle building. Therefore, most of the time, the testosterone dose for building muscle starts at 500mg, and too low a dose may not achieve the desired effect. Of course, some individuals are sensitive to testosterone, and the use of 500mg will bring serious side effects, in which need a low testosterone dose.