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Sarms products are a general term for selective androgen receptor modulators (sarms). Although there are many kinds of products, they are currently divided into two categories by bodybuilders, muscle-enhancing Sarms and fat-reducing Sarms.
The use of sarms is mostly oral. Most of the sarms purchased by bodybuilders are in the form of capsules and tablets, and some senior bodybuilders buy their own powder and make them into liquids for use. The complete cycle of sarms, usually 8-12 weeks, choose a product with a certain effect according to your own goals, muscle-building sarms or fat-reducing sarms.
Over the years, many users have purchased sarm from me and cycled them. During these cooperations, many interesting things have happened.
As an interesting example, I have a client in Los Angeles, USA. He is in his 40s. He is an avid bodybuilder and has been in contact with bodybuilding for more than ten years.
During the years we have been working together. All his steroid products and PCT products are purchased from me. Before starting the cycle, he bought steroid original powder from me and made it into liquid for use. But due to the inconvenience of the steroid liquid injection method, he often complained to me and wanted to ask me if there was any other way to use it. I also introduced the use of steroid tablets and capsules to him, but because this oral method is decomposed by the liver, its effect will be greatly weakened, which is unacceptable to him. Although he complained about the inconvenience of liquid injections, he continued to use them for so many years.
Two years ago, I recommended LGD4033 to him, which is a no-injection, oral use product, LGD4033, which has a powerful muscle-building effect in muscle-building sarms. Based on our long-term cooperation and trust in me, he tried to buy a dose of a cycle. Oh my god, you don’t know how excited he was after finishing a cycle. It gained 20 pounds. He said that he felt his body was great, and there were no special side effects at all. Friends in the same gym as him are asking him what products they use and want to buy them from him. After that, my friend bought a lot of Sarms from me and sold them to others for a small brokerage fee. He excitedly told me that all the money spent on bodybuilding over the years had been paid back.