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One thing you should know, it can be seen in many books about biology, there are probably more than 600 muscles in the human body. These muscles make up one-third to one-half of our actual body weight. Because they do things like make movement possible, our muscles demand our attention. It matters whether you like muscle growth or not. Why? Quite simply, if you use your muscles, they tend to grow. However, if you don’t use these muscles, they will eventually wither. You might be thinking well, aren’t neurons controlling my behavior? You are absolutely right. Your brain sends signals to the motor neurons in your muscles, which then prompt those muscles to do the necessary work.
Most of the time, we do this unconsciously, but our body muscles and brain work together to accomplish these things. But how does this make your muscles grow? When you use your muscles for various activities, such as lifting weights or running, your muscle tissue changes. When you expose your muscles to the stress of any of the above exercises, you can cause muscle tears in your tissues.
When muscle tissue cells recognize that there is damage, they release substances known scientifically as cytokines. Cytokines activate your body’s immune response and then repair damaged tissue. This is the point where muscle growth and building occurs. By continuing the “damage and repair” cycle, your muscles tend to grow over time.
Of course, that’s not to say you should go to the gym to overwork out. This will do you little good. In fact, it can actually hinder your ability to generate growth within your muscles.
In order for our body to generate new and improved muscle mass, it needs to be under more stress. This results in larger muscles due to increased cell size. If we don’t use our muscles and improve our muscle growth over time, we may actually lose it due to muscle atrophy.
One thing to consider when it comes to muscle growth is that physical activity isn’t the only ingredient required. Other ingredients like nutrition, hormonal balance and rest also played a big role in the results. This is because without these components, your body cannot repair damaged muscle fibers.
Let’s start with nutrition. Protein in our diet helps maintain muscle mass. It does this by providing the building blocks needed to form new organizations. Depending on your diet type, your protein changes may vary slightly from others. Some options can include meat eaters’ chicken or fish. Leafy greens like spinach or other vegetables like broccoli or asparagus for vegetarians etc.
So now you’re probably wondering how hormones and rest work. This is because we experience natural hormones for muscle growth like testosterone and insulin growth factor. This combined with rest is critical to our overall muscle goals. Why? Because most of our body’s repair happens at night when we sleep.
There are several ways to help your muscle growth. But do all of these really work? We’ll take a quick look at two of the more common supplements used and abused, and how they can really help or hinder your progress. These two include protein powder and SARM. Let’s start with protein powder.
I believe most bodybuilders who are new to bodybuilding have been advised that if you want to gain muscle, you need to use protein powder before or after your workout. Believe it or not, you are not on your own. Over a long period of time, worldwide spending on the protein supplement category has exceeded $9 billion. So does the protein powder you bought really work? Essentially, yes. It was found that protein supplementation improved strength, lean body mass and muscle size. However, it’s not always very popular. What we’re saying is that more protein doesn’t always mean more muscle. Use protein powder to boost muscle growth, and muscle growth actually plateaus.
First, what is a SARM? SARMs are selective androgen receptor modulators. These supplements tend to have the same benefits as steroids and the like. Unlike steroids, however, you can actually avoid many negative effects. How could this be? It’s all in name. These supplements are selective in nature and only tend to attach to muscle and bone tissue. The two oldest SARMs include the MK 677 and the RAD 140. Both help with muscle growth. One thing to keep in mind is that these supplements are usually taken in cycles. So please use it after understanding it clearly.
Our are a professional manufacturer of Steroid Powder, Sarms Powder, Peptides and PCT products. If you want to know more details, pls contact us.