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There are many types of supplements for bodybuilders, whether they are sarms, anabolic steroids or pepetides Tesamorelin we are talking about today, are base on their anabolic effects. GH (HGH) and IGF-1(IGF-1 LR3) are two peptides that bodybuilders purchase most frequently. Tesamorelin has a similar effect to GHRH, stimulating the release of GH, what are its advantages, why not directly buy HGH or IGF-1 LR3?
Tesamorelin plays a similar role to GHRH by binding to GHRH receptors, stimulating the synthesis and release of endogenous GH. The released GH boosts metabolism and improves muscle growth, helping to burn more calories and reduce fat in the body. Tesamorelin also helps to increase IGF-1 levels, which further enhances metabolic levels and stimulates lipolysis. Especially for parts such as the abdomen where fat is easy to accumulate and difficult to remove, the use of Tesamorelin is better.
In the Tesamorelin trial, after 3 to 12 months of treatment, the subjects’ organ fat reduce by 10 to 20 percent, and the average visceral fat reduce by 18 percent.
Various experiments targeting Tesamorelin also showed that Tesamorelin treatment reduced fat mass while increasing lean muscle mass. Through changes in trunk muscles based on computed tomography (CT), it was found that compared with the placebo group, all trunk muscle groups of the subjects, Including rectus abdominis, anterolateral abdominis, psoas major and paravertebral muscles, total muscle density and area increased significantly.
Tesamorelin acts on the front end of HGH, and although it also acts by stimulating the production and release of GH, it has two main advantages over the direct use of HGH.
One is that Tesamorelin use in the process of reducing abdominal fat, which does not stimulate excessive GH secretion. So it does not bring the side effects of HGH excess.
Second, the direct use of HGH treatment can cause slight impairment of glucose metabolism in patients in a short period of time, while the use of Tesamorelin treatment can significantly reduce the amount of fat in obese individuals without affecting glucose metabolism.
In general, Tesamorelin is a safe and effective choice in terms of reducing fat, improving metabolism and promoting physical health. However, if it is bodybuilders who aim at adding a significant amount of muscle mass, Tesamorelin alone may not be enough. Because supplements used by bodybuilders often raise the corresponding hormone levels above the body’s maintenance hormone levels, it is easier to break through the body’s limits and gain muscle mass. In this case, the direct use of HGH will be better, of course, in the process, attention should be paid to the control of superphysiological levels of hormones may bring side effects.