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A Finland customer purchased 300g mixed test powder supertest450 on Apr 23, 2024

A Finland customer purchased 300g mixed test powder supertest450 on Apr 23, 2024

A customer from Finland purchased 300g mixed test powder supertest450 from us, the customer found product information from our home page,after confirmed with our sales and verified test report,he payed his order by USDT yesterday. After our financial team received the payment,our colleagues arranged the packing and delivery. Now the goods had been packed and will be delivered out later,once …

How to increase testosterone levels?

How to increase testosterone levels?

For bodybuilders, we’ve talked a lot about how to boost your testosterone levels, such as exercising, Enclomiphene, or extrinsic testosterone. In talking about these topics, we are assuming that you are building muscle for the purpose of bodybuilder, today we are talking about normal conditions to increase testosterone levels. Testosterone levels are important for bodybuilders, and equally important for every …

Differences between AAS and testosterone IM and SubQ injection

Differences between AAS and testosterone IM and SubQ injection

Testosterone and AAS injections are  intramuscular injection (IM) and subcutaneous injection (SubQ), which of these two injection methods is better? IM vs SubQ basic info. IM refers to the injection of AAS into the muscle and SubQ refers to the injection of AAS into the subcutaneous tissue. IM injection is shallow and SubQ injection is deeper. As a result, IM …

An order from a Germany customer about sarms and steroids on Mar 26, 2024

An order from a Germany customer about sarms and steroids on Mar 26, 2024

There is an order from a Germany customer, you can see from the following picture. Oh, it’s hard to describe his order in details, because his order has a lot of variety. In short, his order are mainly about bodybuilding raw chemical powder, it contains the most popular AAS, like testosterone, DECA, and also with PCT drugs. We also have …

How to solve the high estrogen levels problems caused by AAS use

How to solve the high estrogen levels problems caused by AAS use

Estrogen in men is produced by the action of aromatase on testosterone, and this part of estrogen plays a key role in male health. When male bodybuilders take AAS, testosterone levels rise rapidly in the body, and estrogen levels rise accordingly. High estrogen levels can have a range of effects on male bodybuilders, including bone health, moodiness, gyno, and more. …

What are the steps to starting a safe anabolic steroid cycle?

What are the steps to starting a safe anabolic steroid cycle?

The appeal of Anabolic steroids to bodybuilders is hard to resist. It brings tremendous muscle mass and strength gains, accelerates the process of bodybuilding, and breaks through the limitations of the body, which is difficult to achieve by relying on exercise alone. If I want to start an anabolic steroid cycle, how to keep it safe and effective? Have a …

Raised liver ALT and AST were found during the administration of exogenous testosterone. What is the cause?

Raised liver ALT and AST were found during the administration of exogenous testosterone. What is the cause?

One of my friends used Test E to increase his testosterone level to build muscle mass. After a cycle, he have had a blood test and found both his ALT and AST levels are raised. He is quite worry about it and concerned if the exogenous testosterone is responsible for this phenomenon. In response to his problem, we consulted a number …

How to boost testosterone levels ? SERM is better than TRT

How to boost testosterone levels ? SERM is better than TRT

More and more people are aware of the possible effects of a gradual decline in testosterone levels with age and are looking for ways to boost their testosterone levels. Testosterone supplements are the most established and effective way to boost testosterone, and many people are trying to get TRT(testosterone replacement therapy). However, in addition to TRT, SERM is also an …

Safeguarding Health: Precautions for Testosterone and AAS Injection

Safeguarding Health: Precautions for Testosterone and AAS Injection

Testosterone can be administered in a variety of ways, but the main way it is administered is by injection, Other AAS are mainly used by injection, but some are orally. Common injection sites are the buttocks, thighs, or upper arms. Users should use a new needle for each injection and disinfect the injection site prior to injection. Some users may …

DHEA: Understanding its Role and Conversion to Testosterone

DHEA: Understanding its Role and Conversion to Testosterone

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone that occurs naturally in the body and is produced primarily by the adrenal glands. It is a precursor to several other hormones, including testosterone. The conversion of DHEA to testosterone is a key process that affects various physiological functions in both men and women. Many people think that using DHEA can replace the effects of …

Unveiling the Truth: Can Exogenous Testosterone Truly Replicate Natural Testosterone’s Effects?

Unveiling the Truth: Can Exogenous Testosterone Truly Replicate Natural Testosterone’s Effects?

Natural testosterone refers to the testosterone naturally secrete by the body, which mainly produce by the testicles and regulate by positive and negative feedback of HPTA. Exogenous testosterone refers to testosterone introduced into the body from the outside, including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or anabolic steroids (AAS). Exogenous testosterone plays a role similar to natural testosterone, but it does not …

What is ester, why add it to steroids?

What is ester, why add it to steroids?

When we get ready to use Boldenone for bodybuilding, what we find is, There are several types of Boldenone available, including Boldenone acetate, Boldenone cypionate and Boldenone undecylenate. When we get to know the relevant information, we will find that they are Boldenones with different half-lives, and the use effect is basically the same. Similarly, common anabolic steroids such as …


    We are the manufacturer of Steroid powder,Sarms and peptides for bodybuilder over 10 yesrs.High quality,good price and safe shipping help us to gain clients support.


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