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US order delivered  about Astersteroids raw powder on April

US order delivered about Astersteroids raw powder on April

US order: A customer from United states purchased raw chemical powder from us, details as the following: Sarms GW501516, MK677, RAD140, MK2866, SR9009, SR9011, SR9009, YK11 each for 10g (MK677 20g). Steroids powder SUS250, testosterone propionate, testosterone enanthate, testosterone decanoate, and Masterone Enanthate, each for 500g. Steroids powder Trenbolone acetate and trenbolone enanthate, each for 200g. Oral steroids powder Ananvar, …

A sarms and steroids order from Italy customer on Apr 8, 2024

A sarms and steroids order from Italy customer on Apr 8, 2024

A customer from Italy purchased sarms and steroids from us, details are as the following: Sarms: RAD150, RAD140, LGD3303, LGD4033, GW501516, GW0742, YK11, S4, SR9009, SR9011, S23, each for 10G. MK2866 100g. MK677 and ACP105 each for 500g. Steroids: Testosterone Enanthate 500G Drostanolone Enanthate 200G Trebolone Enanthate 200G T3(triiodothyronine) 500G The customer has a various needs of SARMs and steroids …

If we can increase muscle mass without affecting testosterone level?

If we can increase muscle mass without affecting testosterone level?

In the use of bodybuilding supplements, the most direct impact on the body is the inhibition of their own testosterone level, is there a growth of muscle mass without affecting their own testosterone levels of supplements? AAS AAS is an exogenous androgen. The use of exogenous androgen in the bodybuilding cycle will definitely affect the secretion of testosterone. During this …

An order of sarms and steroids from a US customer on Mar 28,2024

An order of sarms and steroids from a US customer on Mar 28,2024

A US customer purchase raw chemical powder from us. His order contains sarms MK677 20g, sarms lgd-4033 500g, injection steroids Drostanolone Enanthate 150g, Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate Test C and mixed test powder SUS250 each for 500g, oral steroids Anavar 500g, Proviron 10g, Masterone 10g*3bags. The goods picture as the following for your info. The US customer payed his order …

An order from a Germany customer about sarms and steroids on Mar 26, 2024

An order from a Germany customer about sarms and steroids on Mar 26, 2024

There is an order from a Germany customer, you can see from the following picture. Oh, it’s hard to describe his order in details, because his order has a lot of variety. In short, his order are mainly about bodybuilding raw chemical powder, it contains the most popular AAS, like testosterone, DECA, and also with PCT drugs. We also have …

An Order of SARMs and Steroids to Ireland on Mar 25,2024

An Order of SARMs and Steroids to Ireland on Mar 25,2024

A customer from Ireland order SARMS and Steroids from us, details are as the following: Sarms powder: Lgd4033 100g, Ac262 50g, MK2866 & rad140 each for 200g, YK11 & MK677 & S23 each for 10g, Steroids power: Testosterone Enanthate & Trenbolone Enanthate each for 500g Mixed testosterone SUS & Anadrol each for 200g Oxandrolone & Proviron each for 10g Deca (Nandrolone …

Sarms liver support supplements NAC Milk thistle TUDCA

Sarms liver support supplements NAC Milk thistle TUDCA

SRAMS, as selective androgen receptor modulators, are less androgenic and, therefore, bring fewer androgenic side effects to bodybuilders’ bodies, whereas the effects of sarms on the liver are universal. Before starting a sarm cycle, you should prepare liver support in advance to avoid damage to the liver. Common liver support is NAC, Milk thistle And TUDCA, let’s take a look. …

When should I use SERM enclomiphene/clomiphene in the sarms cycle?

When should I use SERM enclomiphene/clomiphene in the sarms cycle?

Some sarms, such as gw501516 and sr9009, we believe do not inhibit endogenous testosterone secretion and therefore do not need to use SERM clomiphene or enclomiphene. Other sarms, such as mk2866 and rad 140, mimic the mode of action of testosterone and inhibit endogenous testosterone production, requiring the use of SERM. Regarding when to use SERM, is it at the …

Anabolism and muscle building for bodybuilders

Anabolism and muscle building for bodybuilders

Some Bodybuilders will try to use steroids to help build muscle, the full name of which is anabolic androgenic steroids. There are also people using Sarms, and the advantage of sarms over steroids is that they only have anabolic activity without androgen activity. There are also peptides, which all mention their anabolic activity when bodybuilders use them. Therefore, there is …

I will never use SARMs or I will never use Anabolic steroids?

I will never use SARMs or I will never use Anabolic steroids?

In bodybuilding, SARMs and anabolic steroids are two distinct categories. You will rarely see a bodybuilder using both of them. People using SARMs do not try the other , and bodybuilder using anabolic steroids does not appreciate SARM . SARMs for bodybuilder SARMs is selective androgen receptor agonists. It usually has anabolic activity but no androgen activity, or very little …

What are selective androgen receptor modulators?

What are selective androgen receptor modulators?

When someone asks, what is a SARM? We all know that SARM is a selective androgen receptor modulator. So what are selective androgen receptor modulators? Before we know what a selective androgen receptor modulator is, we need to understand the question “What is an androgen receptor?” “What is a regulator?” “What is selective?” What are androgen receptors? The main form …

Two shipments of SARMs on WEEK31,2022

Two shipments of SARMs on WEEK31,2022

This week, i choose two shipments of sarms to share with you. One order is about 500g SARMs powder SR9009, it was purchased by a customer from Greece, the order was payed by Union pay. A simple starter package picture is as following. Another order is about 1kg sarms powder GW501516, you can find the picture as the following. It …


    We are the manufacturer of Steroid powder,Sarms and peptides for bodybuilder over 10 yesrs.High quality,good price and safe shipping help us to gain clients support.


    Pls send your inquiry to me!

    Whats app:+44 7927402193