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US order delivered  about Astersteroids raw powder on April

US order delivered about Astersteroids raw powder on April

US order: A customer from United states purchased raw chemical powder from us, details as the following: Sarms GW501516, MK677, RAD140, MK2866, SR9009, SR9011, SR9009, YK11 each for 10g (MK677 20g). Steroids powder SUS250, testosterone propionate, testosterone enanthate, testosterone decanoate, and Masterone Enanthate, each for 500g. Steroids powder Trenbolone acetate and trenbolone enanthate, each for 200g. Oral steroids powder Ananvar, …

A sarms and steroids order from Italy customer on Apr 8, 2024

A sarms and steroids order from Italy customer on Apr 8, 2024

A customer from Italy purchased sarms and steroids from us, details are as the following: Sarms: RAD150, RAD140, LGD3303, LGD4033, GW501516, GW0742, YK11, S4, SR9009, SR9011, S23, each for 10G. MK2866 100g. MK677 and ACP105 each for 500g. Steroids: Testosterone Enanthate 500G Drostanolone Enanthate 200G Trebolone Enanthate 200G T3(triiodothyronine) 500G The customer has a various needs of SARMs and steroids …

An Order of SARMs and Steroids to Ireland on Mar 25,2024

An Order of SARMs and Steroids to Ireland on Mar 25,2024

A customer from Ireland order SARMS and Steroids from us, details are as the following: Sarms powder: Lgd4033 100g, Ac262 50g, MK2866 & rad140 each for 200g, YK11 & MK677 & S23 each for 10g, Steroids power: Testosterone Enanthate & Trenbolone Enanthate each for 500g Mixed testosterone SUS & Anadrol each for 200g Oxandrolone & Proviron each for 10g Deca (Nandrolone …

An Order of SARMs and Steroids to Finland on Mar 22,2024

An Order of SARMs and Steroids to Finland on Mar 22,2024

A customer from Finland order SARMS and Steroids from us, details are as the following: Sarms powder: MK677 10g, MK2866 500g, S4 500g LGD4033 500g Steroids powder: Testosterone Enanthate 100g Trenbolone Acetate, 500g, trenbolone enanthate 500g Drostanolone Propionate,Drostanolone Enanthate, Metenolone Enanthate,Oxandrolone(Anavar) each for 10g. It’s a regular customer purchase raw chemical powder in our company for years. We communicate via …

When should I use SERM enclomiphene/clomiphene in the sarms cycle?

When should I use SERM enclomiphene/clomiphene in the sarms cycle?

Some sarms, such as gw501516 and sr9009, we believe do not inhibit endogenous testosterone secretion and therefore do not need to use SERM clomiphene or enclomiphene. Other sarms, such as mk2866 and rad 140, mimic the mode of action of testosterone and inhibit endogenous testosterone production, requiring the use of SERM. Regarding when to use SERM, is it at the …

A sarm order in week 45,2022

A sarm order in week 45,2022

A customer from Hungary purchased 400g rad140, 400g sr9009 and 1kg mk2866 from us. It’s a regular customer who had purchased sarms powder from us for many times, this time ,he payed his order by USDT. After received his payment, we arranged the packing and delivery within 24 hours. Once the package be shipped out, we provide tracking number to …

Sarm Order of S4 800g and mk2866 400g in WK42,2022

Sarm Order of S4 800g and mk2866 400g in WK42,2022

Today, I’m going to share a sarm order from US with you. It’s a regular customer who always purchases sarm powder from us. For customers who purchase Sarm powder more than 500g at a time, he will get a more cost-efficient price. This US customer has been purchasing Sarm from us for several years since he bought 10g sample from our …

500g sarm mk2866 ship to Austria on week38,2022.

500g sarm mk2866 ship to Austria on week38,2022.

A customer from Austria purchased 500g sarm mk2866 from us this week, the goods had been packed and will send to our cooperated forwarder within this week. After shipped out, customer would receive it in about 15 days. Today, I would like to introduce SARM Mk2866 briefly: Mk2866 binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle to achieve muscle and strength-building effects, …

Two shipments of sarms on Week37,2022

Two shipments of sarms on Week37,2022

I’m going to share two shipments of sarms to you this week, one order is 500g mk2866, another order is rad140 and lgd4033, each for 500g. The packing pictures are in the following: These two orders are came from customer in EU countries, 500g mk2866 comes from a customer in Italy, another order comes from a customer in Austria. Both …

Five shipments of SARMS on WEEK30,2022

Five shipments of SARMS on WEEK30,2022

There are too many orders, so I choose five shipments of sarms on week30 for your reference. These five customers are from EU countries, they have big needs on sarms powder,you can find the order information in the picture attached below:   As a company producing and selling chemical raw powder, we provide high quality products and safe delivery.  All products …

Two shipping records about sarms on Week29,2022

Two shipping records about sarms on Week29,2022

As mentioned last week,we will update part of the delivery record every week.Today,we will update two orders of SARMs. These two orders are comes from our regular customers, they have purchased from our company,and had sent test samples to the test institution, which is trust by them,after they got positive result, then they turned to trust us and make us …

Week 28 customer purchase record about SARMs update

Week 28 customer purchase record about SARMs update

It has been a long time since the shipment record was updated.   For those who are concerned about our company’s delivery record, we are really sorry, so today, we are going to update our delivery record.   Due to the recent large order quantity, we choose to update the shipping information of SARMs product in Week 28. If you …


    We are the manufacturer of Steroid powder,Sarms and peptides for bodybuilder over 10 yesrs.High quality,good price and safe shipping help us to gain clients support.


    Pls send your inquiry to me!

    Whats app:+44 7927402193