Metandienone dosage

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Metandienone dianabol cycle for bodybuilders

Metandienone dianabol cycle for bodybuilders

Metandienone cycle helps build muscle quickly, but because it interacts with aromatase to produce estrogen, Metandienone muscle retention is associated with a certain amount of fluid. At the end of the cycle, we would lose some of the muscle mass gain, and needs to take care to control the effects of too much estrogen during use. As a result, the …

AAS Metandienone Dianabol Oral Dosage

AAS Metandienone Dianabol Oral Dosage

Metandienone (Dianabol)  is usually bodybuilder’s first choice for oral AAS, so how do we determine its oral dosage? How Much Shoud We Take? The usual oral dosage of metandienone is 10-30mg per day, with a maximum of 50mg per day. For beginners, the usual dosage should start at 10-15mg and the maximum dose should not exceed 25mg. The dosage For …


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