half life

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Enclomiphene vs Clomifene in PCT, is enclo works better?

Enclomiphene vs Clomifene in PCT, is enclo works better?

The formula for PCT is Clomid+Nolvadex, where Clomid stimulates the release of endogenous testosterone and Nolvadex eliminates the effects of estrogen. However, an experienced bodybuilder would choose enclo when Enclomiphene vs Clomifene, and why? What is Enclomiphene? Enclomiphene used by Bodybuilders stands for Enclomiphene citrate, or simply enclo. Enclo, like Clomid, is a non-steroidal SERM(selective estrogen receptor modulator). Both work …

Relationship of testosterone ester chain length to half-life and solubility

Relationship of testosterone ester chain length to half-life and solubility

When understanding the half-life of a testosterone derivative, we will propose that its half-life is relate to the length of the ester , and the longer the length of the ester chain, the longer the half-life of the corresponding compound. The half-life of testosterone is very short, only a few hours, and the testosterone after the addition of ester has …

What is ester, why add it to steroids?

What is ester, why add it to steroids?

When we get ready to use Boldenone for bodybuilding, what we find is, There are several types of Boldenone available, including Boldenone acetate, Boldenone cypionate and Boldenone undecylenate. When we get to know the relevant information, we will find that they are Boldenones with different half-lives, and the use effect is basically the same. Similarly, common anabolic steroids such as …


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