The use of exogenous testosterone can inhibit the body’s natural testosterone production because the body’s hormone regulatory mechanisms adjust their own hormone secretion in response to changes in testosterone levels. Understanding how this inhibition works and its possible solutions is especially important for people using Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) or bodybuilders using testosterone. Mechanism of testosterone inhibition Testosterone production in …
For many people, 300ng/dL is a very low testosterone level. If the testosterone level is this value, there may be certain symptoms of low testosterone. However, normal testosterone levels range from 264 to 916ng/dL, indicating that 300ng/dL is a normal value. Why is there such a wide range of testosterone levels? This is because men’s testosterone levels are constantly changing …
Natural testosterone refers to the testosterone naturally secrete by the body, which mainly produce by the testicles and regulate by positive and negative feedback of HPTA. Exogenous testosterone refers to testosterone introduced into the body from the outside, including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or anabolic steroids (AAS). Exogenous testosterone plays a role similar to natural testosterone, but it does not …