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Introduction to commonly usd anabolic Steroids

Introduction to commonly usd anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are similar to anabolic male sex hormones. They are a class of chemically synthesized derivatives similar in structure and activity to the human male hormone testosterone. The following describes several common anabolic steroids and their main characteristics. Anadrol It is a strong oral steroid used to increase muscle latitude. It has a high anabolic potency and promotes effective …

An order of sarms and steroids from a US customer on Mar 28,2024

An order of sarms and steroids from a US customer on Mar 28,2024

A US customer purchase raw chemical powder from us. His order contains sarms MK677 20g, sarms lgd-4033 500g, injection steroids Drostanolone Enanthate 150g, Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate Test C and mixed test powder SUS250 each for 500g, oral steroids Anavar 500g, Proviron 10g, Masterone 10g*3bags. The goods picture as the following for your info. The US customer payed his order …

An AAS order to Romania on Mar 27,2024

An AAS order to Romania on Mar 27,2024

A Romania customer purchase AAS from us, his second purchase. For the first time, he bought some Testosterone powder and Proviron. This time, he bought 300g Primobolan enanthate (100g in 3 bags), 200g Anavar(100g in 2 bags) and 1kg Proviron(100g in 2 bags). The picture is as follows: He payed this order by USDT, our financial team received his payment …

How to solve the high estrogen levels problems caused by AAS use

How to solve the high estrogen levels problems caused by AAS use

Estrogen in men is produced by the action of aromatase on testosterone, and this part of estrogen plays a key role in male health. When male bodybuilders take AAS, testosterone levels rise rapidly in the body, and estrogen levels rise accordingly. High estrogen levels can have a range of effects on male bodybuilders, including bone health, moodiness, gyno, and more. …

What are the steps to starting a safe anabolic steroid cycle?

What are the steps to starting a safe anabolic steroid cycle?

The appeal of Anabolic steroids to bodybuilders is hard to resist. It brings tremendous muscle mass and strength gains, accelerates the process of bodybuilding, and breaks through the limitations of the body, which is difficult to achieve by relying on exercise alone. If I want to start an anabolic steroid cycle, how to keep it safe and effective? Have a …

Understanding Testosterone Prescription Limitations and Exploring Alternatives in Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Understanding Testosterone Prescription Limitations and Exploring Alternatives in Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone is primarily for the treatment of hypogonadism and as a hormone therapy for sex transition. Testosterone is a hormone that plays a key role in the development and maintenance of male reproductive tissue and secondary sexual characteristics. It also has important effects on a variety of biological functions, including muscle mass, bone density, red blood cell production, and mood …

Overview of Anabolic steroids, if you need steroids and you don’t know which one to choose, look here

Overview of Anabolic steroids, if you need steroids and you don’t know which one to choose, look here

There are not many anabolic steroids commonly used by Bodybuilders, however, if you are not particularly knowledgeable about them, testosterone may be the first thing that comes to mind. In the following, I will introduce the basic properties of these commonly used anabolic steroid in detail. With this overview information, you will know which steroid you should choose. Steroids Anabolic …

What are the most common AAS used by male and female bodybuilders?

What are the most common AAS used by male and female bodybuilders?

Since people discover the effects of testosterone and extracte it for their own use. A number of derivatives base on testosterone have been developed. These derivatives of testosterone are classified as anabolic steroids (AAS). They all have similar effects to testosterone, and in some ways are better than testosterone. Testosterone and AAS have been used by Bodybuilders for a long …

From sarm to steroid

From sarm to steroid

Bodybuilders Using Sarms and using anabolic steroid seem to be completely unrelated groups, and they also don’t seem to be trying to use the products the other is using. So in the actual situation, does the bodybuilder using sarm completely not envy the huge muscle mass gain brought by anabolic steroid? I haven’t done any actual research, so I don’t …

How to Improve Your Endurance Level in Training

How to Improve Your Endurance Level in Training

Whether you want to build a stronger body or add more muscle, you need to train hard. However, the basis for you to train hard is that you have improve endurance to do it consistently. Compared to someone who doesn’t exercise at all and someone who keeps exercising, their endurance level is completely different. So, endurance comes from your persistent …

How to schedule your Oxandrolone Anavar cycle ?

How to schedule your Oxandrolone Anavar cycle ?

Oxandrolone has its muscle-building effects when use it alone, but it is primarily using for cutting. Using Oxandrolone a few weeks before the end of your cycle will help you gain and maintain a slim figure. You will see better results if you take Oxandrolone when you are already thin. Oxandrolone can produce even greater results when used in tandem …

What is Oxandrolone Anavar dose?

What is Oxandrolone Anavar dose?

The individual dose of Oxandrolone is affected by a number of factors, and is generally 15-25mg per day of bodybuilder for men and 5-15mg per day for women. Oxandrolone is safe for many people and, as a result, its dosage is very flexible. For some experienced bodybuilders, the dose increases to 30-80mg per day for men, and the average male …


    We are the manufacturer of Steroid powder,Sarms and peptides for bodybuilder over 10 yesrs.High quality,good price and safe shipping help us to gain clients support.


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