AAS side effects

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AAS anabolic-androgenic steroid side effects

AAS anabolic-androgenic steroid side effects

Side effects of all AAS(anabolic–androgenic steroid) are very similar, and the extent to which a single AAS is affected will vary depending on its androgen activity, whether it is a testosterone derivative or a DHT(dihydrotestosterone) derivative, whether it interacts with 5AR, and whether it interacts with aromatase. But they all have the basic benefits and side effects of AAS. Cardiovascular …

AAS Effects on the liver

AAS Effects on the liver

The effect of AAS on the liver is an issue that bodybuilder must consider when using it. Although the adverse effects of AAS on certain liver enzymes are significantly reduce over time after discontinuation of the drug. However, long-term, high dose use of AAS will inevitably affect liver health. Long-term, high-dose use of AAS can lead to the accumulation of …

Mesterolone/Proviron helps bodybuilder avoid emotional side effects

Mesterolone/Proviron helps bodybuilder avoid emotional side effects

Anabolic steroids are androgens, and the use of AAS by bodybuilder may cause problems related to emotion, such as inhibition, insomnia, aggression, and anxiety. Mesterolone had a positive emotion effects on these problems. A double-blind trial confirmed some surprising anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties of Mesterolone. Depression is basically cause by a chemical imbalance through signals between receptors. Mesterolone improves the …

The most details information about Clomid dosage

The most details information about Clomid dosage

When bodybuilding with AAS, the level of testosterone running in the body is much higher than the level of naturally occurring testosterone. This leads to a decrease in natural testosterone levels. When the AAS cycle is over and the intake of exogenous AAS is abruptly stopped, the body will be in a low testosterone state. As a large number of …


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