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“Steroids”, “anabolic steroids” and “anabolic-androgens steroids” are three words commonly used in bodybuilding. Usually they represent testosterone, testosterone derivatives, testosterone variants and other synthetic male hormones. But obviously, these are three different kinds.
Steroids are biologically active organic compounds with four rings arranged in a pecific molecular configuration. Its core structure is usually 17 C atoms connected in four rings, and can also be modified more radically, such as cutting one of the rings to produce a new steroid. steroids are also divided into plant steroids and animal steroids, which are divided into sex hormones (including androgens, estrogens and progesterone), corticosteroids (glucocorticoids and salocorticoids) and anabolic-androgenic steroids. For bodybuilders, the usual reference to steroids is anabolic-androgenic steroids.
The term anabolic steroids was invented during the golden age of steroid pharmacology after World War II to define an idealized androgen. We see from its name that it has only ‘anabolic’ and no ‘androgenic’. The initial hope was to develop a steroid that did not have masculine features but maintained myotrophic properties and could be safely used in children and women. However, after a concerted effort by all the industry, it was discovered that such steroids do not actually exist. By changing the structure of the steroid, researchers can make a new steroid with less androgen activity and more metabolic activity, but not a new steroid without androgen at all. However, the term anabolic and androgenic steroids stuck, becoming an ideal expectation for anabolic-androgenic steroids.
Anabolic-androgenic steroids are what Bodybuilders call anabolic steroids, also known as AAS. It is a steroid androgen that includes both natural androgens like testosterone and structural variants of testosterone, as well as synthetic androgens that have similar effects to testosterone. Synthetic AAS are usually designed to develop greater synthetic metabolism and less androgen, resulting in greater musculogenesis and fewer androgen side effects.
AAS Nandrolone for injection is a common one with high synthetic metabolism and low androgen ratio, and its anabolic activity (testosterone 3.39-4.92) to androgen activity (testosterone 0.31-0.41) ratio is 11: 1, and oral AAS Methasterone, which has a 20:1 ratio of anabolic activity (about 4 times that of testosterone) to androgenic activity (about 0.2 times that of testosterone). Both AAS are very popular with Bodybuilders.
Therefore, steroids and anabolic steroids express different meanings, but whether bodybuilder mentions steroids or anabolic androgenic steroids, it represents anabolic-androgenic steroids.