Cutting sarms Lgd3303 is a relatively new SARMs. Compared to the commonly used sarms lgd4033, lgd3303 is not as well known. From the name alone, one would think that lgd3303 is similar to lgd4033. If lgd3303 is similar to lgd4033, why try lgd3303 if it works so well on lgd4033?
What is lgd3303?
Lgd3303 belongs to sarms(Selective androgen receptor modulator).Sarms are selective to androgen receptors, so compared with steroids,sarms is safer while building muscle. This is a common feature of all sarms. lgd4033, rad140, ac262 and other sarms have this feature.
What features set lgd3303 apart from all other sarms? Lgd3303 is selective and is a full agonist of androgen receptors in muscle, with partial agonist action in the prostate. With LGD3303, muscle anabolism can be stimulated to superphysiological levels, while the activity on the prostate is greatly reduced.
Lgd3303 is about 134% as effective as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by activating androgen receptors, and DHT is considered to be a more potent androgen than testosterone, so LGD3303 is actually more powerful than other sarms.
Product Name: LGD-3303
Appearance: Light Yellow powder
Purity: 99.% min
Package: 10g/bag or as customers’request.
Test Method: HPLC
Relationship between Lgd3303 vs lgd4033
Lgd4033 is a more established sarms with many adherents, and most bodybuilders are more familiar with lgd4033. From the names of lgd3303 vs lgd4033, they are much more similar, and one would think that there would be a relationship between them.
The most important connection between Lgd3303 vs lgd4033 is that they are both sarms and have the same way of acting on androgen receptors. However, they are actually not related in other functions and effects.
The names of GW501516 and GW0742 look very similar, their molecular structures are very similar, and even their effects are similar. But LGD3303 vs LGD4033 have completely different molecular structures. Their names look like they were developed by the same company and therefore follow the same naming pattern.

If you have to compare lgd3303 vs lgd4033, the result is that lgd3303 is stronger than lgd4033 in the sarms. The relationship between them is somewhat similar to the relationship between testosterone and DHT on steroids.
On steroids, we say that DHT is a more powerful androgen than testosterone, and in sarms, lgd3303 is a stronger sarms than lgd4033.
On steroids, the muscle mass you get with DHT is drier and contains less water. In sarms, the muscle mass obtained with lgd3303 is drier and less hydrated than lgd4033.
DHT derivatives are more suitable for cutting, and correspondingly, lgd3303 is more suitable for cutting.
Lgd3303 benefits
After the previous analysis, we can easily conclude that the main benefits of lgd3303 are increased lean muscle and decreased fat. In addition, lgd3303 is beneficial for bone health, and the use of lgd3303 is being investigated for osteoporosis.
For bodybuilders, bone health is very important. Increased muscle mass actually increases the burden on bones, and healthy bones also help to carry more muscle mass.
Lgd3303 is good for muscle strength, so you can lift more weight with lgd3303.
Reducing fat helps to gain leaner muscle, which is one of the important reasons why lgd3303 is a cutting sarms.
Lgd3303 in stock
The lgd3303 works better, but its price is higher and its audience is smaller than those of the popular sarms. These reasons make it difficult for lgd3303 users to easily buy lgd3303 most of the time, and even if you want to buy lgd3303 for cutting, you actually get lgd4033.
As a producer of raw chemical powder, we have sufficient lgd3303 in stock, welcome to inquire and buy.