» Блог » What is the maximum testosterone level that the body can use effectively?

Каков максимальный уровень тестостерона, который организм может эффективно использовать?


Для бодибилдеров, a high or low level of testosterone is closely related to gaining and maintaining muscle mass and strength, and we generally think that the higher the level of testosterone, the easier it is to build muscle, so what is the maximum level of тестостерон our body can effectively use?

Testosterone levels in relation to muscle mass and strength

The older you get, the more difficult it is to build muscle and maintain the muscle mass you’ve gained, mainly because testosterone levels in adult men decline with age. Подобным образом, men’s strength levels and bone health tend to decline as they age.

It is clear that low levels of testosterone are not conducive to building and maintaining muscle mass and strength, and are not conducive to the health of bones.

500mg/week testosterone dose could raise testosterone to what level?

Normal testosterone levels range from about 10-30 nmol/L, and under special circumstances, some people’s normal testosterone levels will exceed 30 nmol/L. так, with greater testosterone levels, can our bodies use them effectively?

The study showed that on day 14 after the first 500 Мг (15.02±0.76 nmol/L) Test T, the participantstestosterone levels increased by 360%, То есть, about 54.07nmol/L (1557нг/дл), which is well above the maximum value of the testosterone range.

500mg/week is the dosage for novice bodybuiders and 1000mg/week for experienced bodybuilders. There is no experimental data on 1000mg/week doses, but if inject 1000mg of testosterone weekly, The maximum testosterone level in the blood is much higher than 1500ng/dL.

Is it necessary to use higher testosterone doses?

Bodybuilders use exogenous testosterone to build muscle by putting their bodies through tough workouts, they work very hard to make these testosterone would be use in building muscle mass and increase strength, Not to make yourself angry, aggressive, or more self-centered. Однако, they are still not immune to the side effects of high doses of testosterone, so the corresponding side effects need to be addressed in cycle and PCT.

так, if you do not have a reasonable plan, blindly increase their serum testosterone levels, perhaps the final result will not be as you want.

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