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Для какой возрастной группы подходит ЗГТ?


Тестостерона Заместительная терапия (Trt) обычно подходит для пожилых мужчин, особенно те, чей уровень тестостерона снизился из-за естественного старения или состояния здоровья. Однако, Пригодность для конкретных возрастных групп зависит от состояния здоровья человека, уровень тестостерона, и есть ли у них клинические симптомы низкого тестостерона.

TRT для мужчин старше возрастной группы 40

Testosterone levels naturally decline with age, and in men after age 40, testosterone levels drop by about 1 Кому 2 percent per year. Some men in this age group may experience symptoms of low testosterone, такие как снижение либидо, низкое энергопотребление, mood swings and decreased physical strength. If these symptoms seriously affect quality of life, and low testosterone levels are confirmed by testing, TRT may be appropriate for men in this age group.

В частности, men between the ages of 50 И 60 have a higher incidence of low testosterone, and the applicability of TRT is more obvious. За это время, many men may begin to experience symptoms associated with low testosterone, becoming the primary population for TRT.

Menopausal male

Similar to female menopause, men may also experience what is known asmale menopause” (also known as partial androgen deficiency syndrome or age-related low testosterone syndrome). This period usually occurs between the ages of 50 И 60, and TRT may help relieve symptoms associated with testosterone decline, such as low mood, тревога, потеря мышечной массы, и усталость.

Young men with special pathological conditions (under 40 Лет)

While TRT is primarily applicable to older men, certain younger men may also experience symptoms of low testosterone due to specific health conditions such as testicular injury, pituitary or hypothalamic dysfunction, radiation therapy, or use of certain medications. These young men may benefit from TRT, but treatment often requires rigorous medical monitoring and diagnosis.

Some young men with genetic or endocrine problems may show signs of low testosterone as early as age 30 or even earlier, and such people may have TRT under the strict supervision of a doctor.

TRT для мужчин старше возрастной группы 70

Testosterone levels may decrease significantly after age 70, and some men choose TRT at this age to improve their quality of life. Однако, older men need to be especially cautious, as receiving TRT may increase certain health risks as they age, such as cardiovascular problems and prostate hyperplasia. Поэтому, men over the age of 70 should weigh the risks and benefits of TRT under the strict guidance of their doctor.

TRT is not suitable for age groups or people

Adolescents and young men (under the age of 20) : Обычно, adolescents and young men already have high testosterone levels and TRT is not suitable. If testosterone levels are normal but sexual function or emotional problems are present, they should usually be evaluate and treat from other perspectives.

No healthy men with low testosterone: Without a diagnosis of low testosterone, TRT is not recommende to improve physical performance, мышечная масса, or libido, as it may cause high testosterone levels, which can lead to side effects (such as sleep apnea, prostate problems, and high red blood cell counts).

Men with specific health problems: Certain health conditions (например., uncontrolled cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer, breast cancer) may make the risks of TRT higher than its benefits. TRT is generally not recommended in this case.


Men between the ages of 40 И 60 are the primary target group for TRT, especially those with age-related declines in testosterone with significant symptoms.

Young men who have low testosterone due to specific health problems can also use TRT under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Применение ЗГТ с особой осторожностью у мужчин старше 70, ВОЗ должна в полной мере взвесить риски и преимущества лечения.

Подходит ли ЗГТ для мужчин определенного возраста, в конечном счете, должно определяться на основе индивидуального уровня тестостерона, Симптомы, Состояние здоровья, и беседы с врачом.

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