» Блог » Ways to mask the taste of Sarms MK677

Способы маскировки вкуса Sarms MK677


Sarms including МК677 are favored by bodybuilders because they are easier to take orally, but the taste need to be tolerated. The MK677 has the worst taste of almost all the sarms, If there is any ways to mask the taste of mk677?

MK677 taste

MK677 powder is usually off-white to beige and largely odorless. but the taste of Ibutamoren was like rotten mayonnaise and very pungent. The taste is very disgusting to most people and has a very pungent metallic taste.

Some sarms liquid have a bad taste, due to the taste of the solvent used in the dissolution, and most of the time the taste is acceptable if you take powder directly. Однако, Ibutamoren is different, both the solution and powder taste bad. Many bodybuilders who have used the mk677 have said it is the worst tasting sarms they have ever tasted.

How to mask the taste of mk677? there are mainly two ways.

Chase it with something

MK677 powder is easily soluble in water, so it is easy to use the purchased mk677 powder directly in water or drinks. Для бодибилдеров, the mk677 liquid is also very easy to purchase, usually in the 25mg/ml specification.

Bodybuilder’s experience has shown that drinks with strong flavors mask the taste of mk677 better, particularly sour drinks such as orange juice or milkshakes.

Before you drink mk677 liquid, prepare your solution drink(orange juice or smoothie or something else you like), take a sip of the solution drink in your mouth beforehand and don’t swallow it, then quickly add your mk677 liquid dose, then swallow and immediately have some more solution drink. On a bad day, you might still get a few bad mk677 tastes, but if things go well, things will get more easier.

This method masks the annoying Ibutamoren liquid and powder taste. If you don’t like this method, you can try the following method, the capsule method.

Fill the capsule with mk677 liquid or powder

We can easily buy capsules and fill them ourselves. When you buy mk677 powder, you can directly pack it into capsules according to each dose, so that the capsule can avoid the taste of Ibutamoren through the mouth.

If you are buying mk677 liquid, you can also use a needle and syringe to inject liquid into the capsule. Однако, when pack mk677 liquid into a capsule, it is more likely to leak, break, penetrate, fall apart, и так далее., and you will still taste mk677 liquid if you are not careful.

When making mk677 liquid capsules, it is necessary to make them temporarily when taking the same dose, and the capsules made in advance are not convenient to store. Поэтому, a certain degree of proficiency is required to prepare the capsule in a short time, thus avoiding capsule leakage or penetration.

to mask the taste of mk677, the capsule method seems to be more suitable for mk677 powder, while chase it with a strong taste such as orange juice or milkshake is suitable for mk677 powder and liquid.

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