» Блог » Unveiling the Truth: Может ли экзогенный тестостерон действительно воспроизвести эффекты естественного тестостерона?

Раскрытие истины: Может ли экзогенный тестостерон действительно воспроизвести эффекты естественного тестостерона?


Natural тестостерон refers to the testosterone naturally secrete by the body, which mainly produce by the testicles and regulate by positive and negative feedback of HPTA. Exogenous testosterone refers to testosterone introduced into the body from the outside, including testosterone replacement therapy (Trt) or anabolic steroids (Aas). Exogenous testosterone plays a role similar to natural testosterone, but it does not completely replace the role of natural testosterone.

When introducing exogenous testosterone, it can increase overall testosterone levels, which brings various benefits such as improving the body’s anabolism, increasing muscle mass, сила, and improving athletic performance. It can also relieve symptoms associate with low testosterone, например, усталость, снижение либидо, and mood changes.

Однако, exogenous testosterone does not fully replicate the complex hormone levels and regulation provided by naturally produced testosterone in the body. The body’s naturally testosterone is subject to complex feedback loops and hormonal interactions that cannot replicate by external testosterone management alone.

Exogenous Testosterone vs Natural Testosterone

Natural testosterone is continuously secreted into the circulatory system by testicular endocrine cells, and the concentration fluctuates little, showing a circadian rhythm. Exogenous testosterone release by a one-time injection or orally, which can cause significant fluctuations in serum testosterone levels. Because of the different ways in which they release, the ways in which exogenous testosterone and its metabolites bind to testosterone receptors also differ.

Natural testosterone interacts with aromatase or 5AR in the body to produce testosterone metabolites, and corresponding actions also occur in the body. Some exogenous testosterone is derive from testosterone, but the structure will change, and when it does not interact with aromatase or 5AR, it will also bring corresponding side effects.

Exogenous testosterone levels are not control by the endocrine system, and excessive use or absence of medical supervision during use can cause side effects including hormonal imbalance, сердечно-сосудистый, настроение, and inhibition of natural testosterone production.

так, для бодибилдеров, while they will use exogenous testosterone (Aas) to achieve their goals, they will also not allow exogenous testosterone to replace the body’s natural testosterone production. They know how to choose, use exogenous testosterone scientifically, and timely post-cycle treatment (РСТ) to ensure endogenous testosterone levels.

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