» Блог » Under what circumstances can we use triiodothyronine T3 and at what dosage?

При каких обстоятельствах можно использовать трийодтиронин Т3 и в какой дозировке?


Usually use Triiodothyronine T3 to treat hypothyroidism ( the thyroid gland produce too little thyroid hormone ). This may be due to the disease itself, or it may be due to too little iodine intake or certain medications. Thyroid hormones are essential for the development of the body and mind, and hypothyroidism in childhood can lead to learning disabilities and growth delays. У взрослых, hypothyroidism causes the body to slow down and experience symptoms such as fatigue, lack of cold tolerance, low heart rate, Веса, потеря аппетита, and muscle stiffness. Если не лечить,, it can lead to other health problems over time, such as high cholesterol and heart problems.

Use T3 and T4 dosage

Normal total T4 levels in adults are 5.0-12.0 micrograms /dL and total T3 levels are 80-220 nanograms /dL. The levels of total T3 and total T4 affecte by a number of factors and provide reference only, usually by the level of TSH(thyroid stimulating hormone) to assess whether thyroid hormone is high or low. Normal TSH levels range from 0.4-4.5mg/ml.

If TSH levels are too low, we need a treatment with the thyroid hormones T3 or T4.

With the popularity of bodybuilding, bodybuilders also use the thyroid hormones T3 or T4 to improve athletic performance, promoting fat loss and an increase in lean muscle mass.

During actual use, T3 and T4 dosage vary depending on individual factors such as body weight, individual metabolism, и толерантность. типично, in bodybuilding, usually start T3 and T4 with a low dosage and then gradually increase over time to acclimate the body to the drug and minimize potential side effects.

A common starting dose is 25-50 микрограмм в сутки, with some Bodybuilders increasing it to 75-100 micrograms per day or higher. The final change in this dose will be relatively large and related to the individual’s physique.

In the course of using T3 and T4, also should limite cycle length to 8 weeks to prevent potential thyroid suppression. T3 and T4 are also hormones, and proper PCT helps with natural hormone production and alleviates potential side effects.

Use T3 or T4?

Whether T3 and T4 are used for hypothyroidism or in bodybuilding, T4 is usually preferred over T3. This is because T4 has a longer half-life than T3, providing a more stable and sustained release of thyroid hormones. T4 can also be naturally converted to T3 to meet the body’s needs for T3.

In addition to the fact that the body cannot convert T4 into T3, it will only use T3. Однако, in the actual bodybuilding, the bodybuilder is still willing to choose T3. This is because T3 is the main active form of thyroid hormone, whether it is to reduce fat or improve exercise performance, T3 mainly plays a role. T3, С другой стороны, has a shorter half-life and works faster. Experienced bodybuilders usually have some tolerance and can use T3 directly. Для начинающих, bodybuilder should choose to start with T4 or use a combination of T3 и Т4.

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