t3 and t4

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При каких обстоятельствах можно использовать трийодтиронин Т3 и в какой дозировке?

При каких обстоятельствах можно использовать трийодтиронин Т3 и в какой дозировке?

Usually use Triiodothyronine T3 to treat hypothyroidism ( the thyroid gland produce too little thyroid hormone ). This may be due to the disease itself, or it may be due to too little iodine intake or certain medications. Thyroid hormones are essential for the development of the body and mind, and hypothyroidism in childhood can lead to learning disabilities and growth

Трийодтиронин Т3 и рТ3, rT3 – камень преткновения на пути к похудению?

Трийодтиронин Т3 и рТ3, rT3 – камень преткновения на пути к похудению?

When T4 is converted into T3 in the body, part of rT3 is also converted. rT3 is also known as reverse T3, only from the literal meaning, it can be seen that it plays the opposite role with T3. T3 increases metabolism and burns fat, so rT3’s likely role is to slow metabolism and conserve fat. What rT3 does? в …

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