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Преимущества пептидов Ацетил-ГПП-1 +ГИП при использовании для похудения

  • описание

Ацетил-ГПП-1 +ГИП, Эта комбинация использует синергетические эффекты двух кишечных гормонов GLP-1 (Глюкагоноподобный пептид-1) и GIP(глюкозозависимый инсулиночувствительный полипептид) для снижения веса и улучшения метаболического здоровья. Здесь мы обсудим преимущества, дозы и механизмы действия ацетил-ГПП-1+ГИП в потеря веса.

Подробнее о GLP-1 и GIP

Глюкагоноподобный пептид-1

GLP-1 — это тип инкретина, секретируемого клетками кишечника в ответ на прием пищи. It plays an important role in regulating glucose metabolism and appetite through the following mechanisms:

Promotes insulin secretion :GLP-1 stimulates the release of insulin by pancreatic beta cells in a glucose-dependent manner.

Inhibits glucagon secretion: Тормозит высвобождение глюкагона, Гормон, повышающий уровень сахара в крови, способствуя выработке глюкозы в печени.

Медленное опорожнение желудка :GLP-1 delays gastric emptying, prolongs satiety, and reduces post-meal blood sugar spikes.

Снижение аппетита :ГПП-1 действует на центральную нервную систему, снижение аппетита и приема пищи,.

Acetyl-glp-1 vs glp-1

Natural GLP-1 has a short half-life and is easily decomposed and inactivated. Acetyl-glp-1 is an acetyl-modified glp-1 analogue that resists decomposition, thus providing a similar effect to GLP-1 while having more stable blood levels and a better half-life.

Glucose-dependent insulin polypeptide

GIP is another incretin hormone, produced by k cells in the duodenum. Complementing the role of GLP-1, it has the following functions:

Stimulates insulin secretion: Like GLP-1, GIP promotes insulin release when food is ingested.

Promotes lipid metabolism :GIP promotes lipid metabolism by promoting fat storage in adipose tissue.

Promotes bone formation :GIP has an anabolic effect on bone tissue and supports bone health.

Ацетил-ГПП-1 +ГИП: double incretin receptor agonist

Acetyl-glp-1 + GIP is a new therapeutic agent that combines the effects of GLP-1 and GIP. This dual-agonist approach aims to leverage the complementary effects of these hormones to achieve superior metabolic outcomes, particularly in weight loss and glucose regulation.

Механизм действия

Enhanced insulin secretion: Acetyl-GLP-1 + GIP significantly promotes insulin secretion and improves blood sugar control in a glucose-dependent manner by activating GLP-1 and GIP receptors.

Inhibition of glucagon: The combination of GLP-1 and GIP further inhibits glucagon secretion and reduces liver glucose production.

Appetite regulation: The appetite inhibition effect of GLP-1 is complementary to the lipid metabolism effect of GIP, reducing food intake and improving lipid utilization.

Improved satiety: Влияние ГПП-1 на замедление опорожнения желудка усиливается действием ГИП, продление сытости и снижение потребления калорий.

Способствует метаболизму жиров: Влияние GIP на накопление жира и липидный обмен способствует лучшему использованию жира, который помогает в похудении.

Преимущества ацетил-ГПП-1 + ГИП

По сравнению с монотерапией только агонистами ГПП-1 или GIP, комбинация ацетил-ГПП-1 + ГИП неизменно показывала лучшие результаты в снижении веса и контроле уровня сахара в крови. This highlights the synergistic benefits of targeting both incretin pathways simultaneously.

Significant weight loss

Clinical studies have shown that acetyl-GLP-1 +GIP can significantly reduce weight in obese patients. The double agonist approach effectively reduces appetite, повышает сытость, and improves lipid metabolism, making it an effective drug for weight management.

Improved blood sugar control

Acetyl-glp-1 +GIP significantly improves blood sugar control by increasing insulin secretion and lowering glucagon levels. This leads to better blood sugar regulation, which is especially beneficial for people with type 2 диабет.

Cardiovascular benefits

Weight loss and improved blood sugar control are associated with improved cardiovascular health. Acetyl-glp-1 +GIP has been shown to reduce cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels, contributing to overall heart health.

Raise blood lipid

By promoting better lipid metabolism, it helps improve lipid profiles. This includes lowering LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increasing HDL cholesterol.

Additional metabolic benefits

Other metabolic benefits include improved insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, and potentially positive effects on liver health due to better regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism.


Acetyl-glp-1 +GIP represents a promising advance in the treatment of obesity and type 2 диабет. By combining the beneficial effects of GLP-1 and GIP, this double agonist treatment provides significant weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and additional metabolic benefits. Its mechanisms of action, including enhancing insulin secretion, inhibiting glucagon, regulating appetite, and improving lipid metabolism, make it an effective tool for treating these chronic diseases.

Acetyl-glp-1 +GIP is generally well tolerated, but can cause gastrointestinal side effects that can be controlled with gradual dose-titration and supportive measures.

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