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Как снизить или предотвратить переход тестостерона к эстрогенам?


Estrogen in the male body mainly convert by testosterone. Для бодибилдеров, the more additional testosterone or AAS they take, the more estrogen they convert into. How to reduce or prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogen is the main direction of discussion today.

Reduce the effects of estrogen by targeting it differently

Estrogen is derived from testosterone, and aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen. так, three targets emerge here: тестостерон, ароматазы, and estrogen. It is known that people need testosterone, so aromatase and estrogen are left to target. One direction is to reduce aromatase or inhibit the action of aromatase, thereby reducing the action of estrogen. The other is to use compounds that bind to estrogen receptors so that estrogen cannot bind to its receptors and thus loses its effect.

Acts on aromatase and estrogen itself

Compounds that act on aromatase and estrogen itself are aromatase inhibitors (Ai). The most common aromatases are Arimidex, letrozole and Aromasion. Среди них, Arimidex and letrozole bind to estrogens converted by aromatase, and because of the different ratio of binding to estrogens, because of the different intensity of action, Летрозол binds more estrogens than Arimidex, so Letrozole is the more effective of the two. Aromasin is more powerful because it kills a certain percentage of aromatase in addition to binding to the estrogen produced by aromatase. Поэтому, Aromasin reduces more estrogen and, when discontinued, leaves the body at low estrogen levels for a period of time due to the lack of aromatase.

Acts on estrogen receptors

Compounds that act on estrogen receptors are selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM). Serms are selective in that they bind to estrogen receptors at specific sites so that estrogen in the body cannot bind to them, thereby reducing the effect of estrogen. Commonly used SERMs include Clomifene, энкломифен,тамоксифен, Др.

Both AI and SERM reduce the effects of estrogen, and both have a corresponding audience among Bodybuilders. Однако, if your goal is to reduce or prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, there is only one that fits the bill, and that is AI Аромазин. Because SERMs reduce the amount of estrogen already produced by binding to receptors, the other two ais reduce the amount of estrogen already produced by itself.

Однако, we have to choose Aromasin carefully because after it kills the aromatase, the body will not be able to produce estrogen on its own for some time. Estrogen is a necessary hormone, which is related to people’s mood, кожа, волос, Ногти, сексуальное желание, blood ester, здоровье костей, Др. Blindly reducing estrogen to too low a level can have serious consequences. Most people choose to reduce the amount of estrogen they already produce to stop it from having side effects.


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