» Блог » How to choose the right TRT dose?

Как правильно выбрать дозу ЗГТ?


Является ли заместительная терапия тестостероном (Trt) равномерная доза? Если доза ЗГТ у всех разная, На чем основана правильная доза для каждого?

Select the appropriate TRT dose

Before starting TRT, Врач проведет тщательную оценку, включая измерение уровня тестостерона в сыворотке крови (обычно утром), и оценка сопутствующих симптомов (такие как снижение либидо, утомление, Перепады настроения, и так далее.). The needs and response to treatment vary from patient to patient, so the dose of TRT is different for everyone.

Начальная доза

Different forms of TRT (such as injections, Гели, patches, и так далее.) have different recommended starting doses. Например, injections of testosterone usually start at 50-100 мг в неделю, while gels may start at 50 мг в день. By following your doctor’s advice and choosing the right starting dose, you can avoid unwanted side effects.

Коррекция дозы

During the first few months of treatment, doctors will regularly monitor the patient’s symptoms and testosterone levels to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.

If symptoms do not improve or testosterone levels do not reach the ideal range, the doctor may gradually increase the dose (обычно 10-25% at a time) until reach the best results.

Monitor changes in testosterone levels

During the first few months of treatment, usually perform blood tests every 3-6 weeks to monitor testosterone levels and other relevant indicators (such as hemoglobin, количество эритроцитов, PSA levels, и так далее.).

Once testosterone levels are stable, they’ll reduce the frequency of testing to every 3-6 months or once a year, depending on the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s health.

Assess symptom changes

Patients should pay attention to changes in their symptoms, including energy, Либидо, настроение, and overall quality of life. These subjective feelings are important indicators to evaluate the effect of TRT.

A journal or table can be used to record changes in symptoms for discussion with your doctor.

Detection index

Monitor the Total and free testosterone levels, usually with the goal of staying within the normal range (обычно 300-1000 нг/дл, but the specific range may vary from laboratory to laboratory).

Hemoglobin, hematocrit and PSA levels are also monitored to assess the presence of potential health problems.

Deal with side effects

Pay attention to possible side effects, such as skin problems, перепады настроения, increased red blood cells, и так далее., and communicate with your doctor promptly.

Depending on the severity of side effects, the doctor may adjust the dose or choose other forms of treatment.

Health assessment

Regular comprehensive health checks, including cardiovascular health, Функция печени, and prostate health, are required to ensure the safety of long-term treatment.

Choosing the right dose of TRT needs to be based on individual assessment, doctor’s advice, and regular monitoring. Through regular blood testing and symptom evaluation, patients and doctors can work together to adjust the dose to ensure efficacy and safety. Always perform TRT under the guidance of a medical professional for best results and to reduce risk.

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