» Блог » How does triiodothyronine T3 improve the overall basal metabolism of bodybuilders?

Как трийодтиронин Т3 улучшает общий основной метаболизм бодибилдеров?


The thyroid hormone T3(Трийодтиронина) improves overall basal metabolism and heat production, increasing the body’s oxygen and energy expenditure. How does T3 improve overall basal metabolism?

What is basal metabolism?

Basal metabolism, also known as basal metabolic rate (БМР), is the minimum caloric requirement required to maintain a resting individual’s life. It represents the energy expenditure necessary to maintain basic physiological processes such as respiration, circulation, cell maintenance and the maintenance of body temperature.

Why improve your basal metabolism?

Вообще, people with a high basal metabolic rate tend to burn more calories when at rest, which helps with easier weight control and helps prevent weight gain.

People with a lot of muscle mass tend to have a higher basal metabolic rate because muscle requires more energy to maintain compared to fat.

How does T3 improve basal metabolism?

The thyroid hormone T3 acts on most tissues in the body, enhancing their function and metabolism.

Acts on proteins: T3 affects cell metabolism by affecting gene expression and protein synthesis. It regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and promotes the utilization of nutrients to produce energy.

Increased glucose uptake: T3 enhances glucose metabolism and promotes glucose transport to cells, primarily in muscle and adipose tissue. It enhances the activity of glucose transporters and promotes the uptake of glucose from the blood into cells.

Enhances glycolysis: T3 increases the activity of enzymes involved in glycolysis, resulting in an increase in energy (in the form of ATP) produced by glucose.

Increased glycogen breakdown: Glycogen is the glucose stored in the liver and muscles. T3 promotes the release of this glucose into the blood, providing a direct source of energy.

Increased lipid metabolism: T3 stimulates cholesterol breakdown and increases the number of LDL receptors, thereby increasing the rate of fat decomposition.


Through these actions, Трийодтиронина T3 improves overall basal metabolism, helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, provides energy needed during exercise, burns body fat stores and avoids excess lipid storage. Поэтому, the bodybuilder will choose T3 triiodothyronine as bodybuilding supplements.

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