» Блог » Bone health with sex hormone androgen and estrogen

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Для бодибилдеров, muscle gain is very important, as is the associated bone health. Is bone health related to the sex hormone androgens or estrogen?

Здоровье костей ивовый прут Androgens

Testosterone is the main male hormone that promotes bone formation and maintenance. A lack of testosterone can damage bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Androgen can increase the level of extracellular endogenous ribonucleic acid and increase the activity and proliferation ability of bone cells.

Testosterone can inhibit the activity of bone resorption cells and reduce the destruction of bone.

Androgens also increase calcium absorption, which helps maintain bone mass.

Эстроген ивовый прут Bone Health

Estrogen can inhibit the activity of bone cells and reduce the destruction of bone.

Estrogen can increase calcium absorption and promote bone maintenance.

Estrogen deficiency increases the activity of bone eating cells, leading to bone loss.

Menopause leads to a lack of estrogen in women and is the period when women are most prone to fractures.

Androgens and Estrogen ивовый прут Bone Health

Androgens maintain bone health mainly by promoting bone production, while estrogen achieves its effect mainly by inhibiting bone destruction. When androgens and estrogens work together, they can improve the absorption and utilization of calcium and maintain the dynamic balance of bone health.

На самом деле, both estrogen and androgens are present together in both men and women.

У мужчин, testosterone interacts with 5AR to produce estrogen. У женщин, the ovaries and adrenal glands produce small amounts of androgens.

In postmenopausal women, when estrogen levels drop, this part of the androgen is converted to estrogen, which helps maintain bone health.

Whether it is androgen or estrogen, lower than normal levels can affect bone health. С возрастом, sex hormone levels decrease, and when necessary, a moderate amount of testosterone or estrogen is needed to maintain bone health.

Calcium is a major component of bones, and in addition to maintaining sex hormone levels, supplementing with calcium and vitamin D also contributes to bone health. В то же время, we should participate in exercise appropriately and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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