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If you don’t know about bodybuilding supplements, like the anabolic steroid, you might be intimidated by the exaggerated side effects you’ll see in various reports. But for a bodybuilder, they’ve been exposed to steroids, they know about steroids, they Get huge bodybuilding benefits with the help of steroids while avoiding the side effects of steroids. Are you surprised? Yes, it is. Well, those bodybuilders who have gained a strong body because of steroids, they How to avoid side effects? That is to conduct PCT.
Anabolic steroids are essentially synthetic testosterone. When bodybuilders consume large amounts of anabolic steroids over time, the consequent side effect is that the body slows down or stops producing its own testosterone. The body does this to maintain a certain balance even with the influx of testosterone. For obvious reasons, under no circumstances would you want your body to stop producing testosterone entirely. This can lead to several health problems that require extensive treatment.
Not to mention, you can’t take steroids forever because it can cause your testicles to shrink, acne, painful erections, and several other medical problems. On the other hand, if your body produces less testosterone, your estrogen tends to rise rapidly.
If your estrogen spikes suddenly, there’s a chance you’re developing breasts where you shouldn’t. For these reasons, as a bodybuilder, it is important to be aware of these substances. Before starting any form of steroid, in some cases SARMs, you will want to do your research. By doing this, you will learn about the post-cycle treatment options that are right for you. But why is the post-cycle treatment regimen so important? What can they do for you? The answer is many.
For starters, you might be wondering what it is. Really simple, post-cycle therapy (PCT) is a treatment regimen that usually lasts about 4 weeks. It is used as a buffer once the bodybuilder completes the anabolic steroid cycle. Why use one? Because it can help eliminate the well-known negative effects of steroids.
Not only that, but in most cases, your body needs some help to get back to normal. As it is within the normal range, this may take several weeks. Working with the PCT can speed up the process, helping you keep the gains you make in the cycle.
If you’ve been into bodybuilding lately, you’ve probably come across SARMs. These are selective androgen receptor modulators that are similar to anabolic steroids. However, they are not nearly as harmful and work with your body naturally. That way, you can still get the muscle gains you need without having to deal with the dozens of side effects that plague steroid users.
Of course, although these substances are more selective in nature, they are safer than many of the steroids out there. Some people still require post-cycle treatment based solely on its potency. For example, a SARM like RAD 140, although designated as safe, may still require a PCT based on its potency. However, on the other hand, a SARM like Ibutamoren MK 677 may not be needed, and even LGD-4033 PCT may not be needed in some cases. It all depends on the dose you choose to use.
At present, there are many products about PCT on the market, two of which are very popular, namely clomiphene and Tamoxifen.
Clomid Citrate, commonly known as Clomid, is the top PCT in terms of potency. In fact, it is considered to be one of the strongest PCTs to date. Bodybuilders who use more potent steroids tend to use them as a treatment option. Some of these steroids include things like Trenbolone.
When it comes to the dose and length of PCT, it depends more on the steroid or SARM you are using. The normal dose of clomiphene citrate is between 20 mg and 50 mg. The recommended length of time to consume this substance is approximately two to four weeks.
Tamoxifen is a powerful PCT anti-estrogen product. As an anti-estrogen product, tamoxifen works by replacing the combination of estrogen and androgen receptors.
It works by helping to speed up the production of testosterone. Typical doses are 10 mg to 40 mg per day. This change in PCT is also easier on the body. Much like clomiphene, tamoxifen citrate is used for two to four weeks. Likewise, the length of the PCT may vary depending on the potency of the compound you are using. So keep that in mind when you decide on dosage and length.
If you read my articles often, you should know. We are a professional manufacturer of Steroid Original Powder, Sarms Original Powder, Peptides, and PCT products. We have a very rich knowledge of various bodybuilding supplement products. If you want to know more about them or want to buy them, please click here.