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All AAS, including Oxymetholone/Anadrol, are different types of exogenous testosterone.Oxymetholone has a similar effect as testosterone, it build muscle and burns fat.
Oxymetholone is described by some Bodybuilders as the best AAS for weight gain and rapid muscle gain. Muscle gain with the help of Oxymetholone by bodybuilder is usually composed of muscle and water retention.
It is not uncommon for users to gain up to 10 pounds during the first week of Oxymetholone. By the sixth week, the weight can increase to 30 pounds. But a large portion of this muscle gain is water.
The muscle pump experienced by bodybuilder can be described as “tearing the skin” . It is because Oxymetholone causes the muscle cells to contain a large amount of water.
Oxymetholone has 3 times the anabolic activity of testosterone and helps bodybuilder increase muscle size to a whole new level.
Because Oxymetholone muscle growth contains a lot of water, this water is trapped in the muscle cells, making the muscle more visible. The bodybuilder loses some muscle weight during the muscle drying process, as moisture is removed.
However, due to the use of AAS, there is still an increase in AAS levels in the body, increased protein synthesis and increased nitrogen retention, which can help bodybuilder gain muscle significantly.
Scientists consider Oxymetholone one of the most effective muscle-building AAS ever. During the study, participants gained 14.5 pounds of muscle for every 100 pounds of body weight. In fact, it was common to gain 18 pounds of lean muscle over a 6-week period using Oxymetholone’s bodybuilder for the first time.
Oxymetholone is used for bulking and also has fat reduction properties. Studies have shown that Oxymetholone burns a significant amount of subcutaneous fat when taken at 100mg daily.
Oxymetholone may cause fat gain due to water retention. Puffiness and bloating caused by excess fluid can lead to increased body fat percentage. Also because Oxymetholone is an expansive AAS,bodybuilder may combine Oxymetholone with a high calorie diet, resulting in fat gain and additional water retention. However, the fat that grows this way is not caused by Oxymetholone itself.
Therefore, bodybuilder will not gain subcutaneous fat while using Oxymetholone if a calorie-maintaining diet is adopted.