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Before using any AAS, it is the most important premise to understand the dosage. The right dosage, in order to maximize the benefit at the same time, accompanied by the least side effects. The Mesterolone/Proviron dosage, also varies from person to person and from stage to stage.
Although Mesterolone is primarily be use by Bodybuilders classifie as advance users. Some Bodybuilders at a rudimentary level can still use it. Mesterolone is a mild AAS with few side effects and works quickly, making it ideal to add to the bodybuilding cycle.
The medical dose of Mesterolone is 25mg two to three times a day. This provides us with a good bodybuilder dosage reference. Some other AAS tend to use higher than medical doses when used in bodybuilding. Unlike Mesterolone, the Mesterolone bodybuilder dose does not increase significantly compared to the medical dose. Bodybuilder experience has shown that 50-150mg of Mesterolone dosage per day is sufficient to mitigate the effects of estrogen. Such as water retention, during the AAS cycle.
Because Mesterolone was used mostly in tandem with other compounds, the Mesterolone dosage was largely at the discretion of how much other compounds were being used.
Studies have shown that normal doses of Mesterolone do not inhibit HPTA. A dose of 150mg or less of Mesterolone dosage per day did not result in significant inhibition of testosterone. More than 300mg a day, however, severely inhibits the production of endogenous testosterone. So the dose of Mesterolone was keep between 50 and 150mg. Between these doses, you get the most benefit and the least amount of side effects. Some Bodybuilders will increase the Mesterolone to 250mg per day, which is not a wise choice.
Mesterolone has a half-life of 8-12 hours, so it should be taken separately to maintain stable levels in the blood.
It is common for professional bodybuilders to take Mesterolone at 150mg or higher, which will usually occur close to the race stage. Using Mesterolone in the final stages allows the other AAS to take full effect and achieve a very hard and dry appearance.
All AAS, no matter how high the anabolic activity or how low the androgen activity, are still androgens, and if women take Mesterolone, the side effects are obvious. However, there are some female Bodybuilders who choose to use Mesterolone to tone up, in which case the lower dose and less cycle length minimizes its masculine effects on women. The Mesterolone dosage for women was no more than 25mg a day for no more than five weeks.