testosterone muscle growth

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What is the effect of testosterone on muscle growth?

What is the effect of testosterone on muscle growth?

As one of the major male sex hormones, testosterone plays a key role in muscle growth and maintenance in addition to its important role in sexual health and the reproductive system. Hormones Testosterone is not only the main hormone in the body of men, but also a certain amount of testosterone in the body of women, which has a wide

Testosteron's Dual Power: Het ontrafelen van zijn rol op spiergroei en vetreductie

Testosteron's Dual Power: Het ontrafelen van zijn rol op spiergroei en vetreductie

If we don’t know exactly what testosterone does, we can easily name a few, including muscle growth aand fat reduction. If you ask how testosterone works, most people probably don’t know. Vandaag, we will take a brief look at it. What’s the use of that, you might say? Who knows, maybe one day you’ll need it, maybe someone just needs

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