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Afvallen is heel eenvoudig. Stoppen met drinken, Verbeter het dieet, Beweeg meer. Ingewikkelder dan dat wordt het niet. Het is echt niet ingewikkelder dan dat, tenzij je medische problemen of een handicap hebt. Afvallen kan moeilijk zijn als je niet streng voor jezelf kunt zijn.
“Quit drinking alcohol and soda, exercised 30-1hr most days of the week, nothing crazy but just keeping it insistent, and cut portion sizes slightly. Lost 80 lbs last year doing that .Went from 265 down to about 185.”
People don’t realize how many calories are in alcohol. And it’s no just beer, a shot of vodka has 100 calories in it. Light beer is around the same, and if you want a craft beer, 200-300 calories is pretty common.
“I’m a little older than the target of the question (45 to be exact), but I lost about 30 lbs in just a few months when I quit drinking.”
Weight loss is based on Calories in < calories out, daarom, diet control is the most basic.
Don’t fill your calorie needs with Coca-Cola or junk food. Eat healthy, home-cooked meals and get plenty of protein.
Some people have studied people who eat healthily, but still can’t lose weight. Found that they were always eating far more calories than they reported. “I only had a salad today.” filled with lumps of cheese and smothered in dressing. “I only ate 500 calorieën “for dinner” may be true, but there are two 350-calorie snacks and a 500-calorie dessert before the meal.
When you’re trying to lose weight, a tablespoon of oil can make the difference between losing weight or not. One tablespoon of oil has as many calories as 4 cups of broccoli. If you say you only eat broccoli but don’t lose weight, it’s because it gets thrown into the oil before cooking.
Controlling your diet will make you healthier, burn off the calories you consume each day, and prevent excess calories from turning into fat. The more calories you burn, the more weight you lose.
When we lose weight by dieting alone, we lose fat while retaining muscle mass. With exercise, you can better retain or gain muscle, terwijl je vet verliest.
In theorie, losing weight is a very simple thing. The basis of weight loss is whether you can stick to the above mentioned. Losing weight is also very difficult. There are always people who cannot be strict with themselves, and give up halfway leading to weight rebound. There are also people who cannot accept losing weight too slowly and pursue fast ways of losing weight. Three popular weight loss peptides (Semaglutide, Tirzepatide, Retatrutide) offer a new way for many obese people to lose weight.