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AddExperienced Bodybuilders do not use a single AAS Metandienone dianabol in his cycle, but stack different AAS together to better achieve bodybuilding goals. Also, when choosing a separate metandienone dianabol cycle, the cycle usually limite to 4-6 weeks. When stacked with testosterone, it can cycle for longer periods.
When metandienone dianabol and testosterone stack together, the cycle length can be up to 10 weeks.
During this period, the user received a testosterone dose of 200mg/week for the first week, then 400mg/week for the second to fifth weeks, followed by 500mg/week for the sixth to ninth weeks, and reduced the testosterone dose to 200mg/week for the last week (week 10).
Add Metandienone dianabol to the cycle from week 3. The dose of metandienone dianabol was 10mg daily for the third week and increased to 20mg daily for the rest of the cycle (four to ten weeks).
In the metandienone dianabol and testosterone stack cycle, it is also possible to use metandienone dianabol for the first 4 weeks of the cycle and then testosterone for the remaining cycle length.
Deca has mild synthetic metabolism and can balance metandienone dianabol well. Stacking them together is a great way to increase strength and endurance levels. Typically, this cycle can last up to 10 weeks. The dose of Deca in this cycle was 400mg per week, with metandienone dianabol added at 10mg per day starting at week 3 and gradually increasing to 20mg per day for the remaining 6 weeks.
Metandienone dianabol and Anadrol, both oral AAS, are options for advanced users. bodybuilder provides significant muscle volume and strength gains. However, since both oral AAS have some degree of hepatotoxicity, their stacking cycle should not be too long. The usual cycle length is 6 weeks.
In Dianabol+Anadrol stack, the Dianabol dose maintain at 30mg per day. The dose of Anadrol was 50mg daily for the first 3 weeks and 75mg daily for the last 3 weeks.
Testosterone is the foundation of all AAS, and almost all AAS can be stacked with testosterone, and sometimes testosterone must be added to an AAS. In addition to these, the metandienone dianabol can be stacked with many other AAS, including proviron, Primobolan, etc.