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Anabolic steroids are androgens, and the use of AAS by bodybuilder may cause problems related to emotion, such as inhibition, insomnia, aggression, and anxiety. Mesterolone had a positive emotion effects on these problems.
A double-blind trial confirmed some surprising anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties of Mesterolone.
Depression is basically cause by a chemical imbalance through signals between receptors. Mesterolone improves the quality of the channels that cells use to communicate and interact.
Mesterolone also acts effectively as a so-called neurosteroid through the endocrine system, which recognizes it as a neurosteroid.
Mesterolone plays an inhibitory role in neurotransmission and acts as an effective positive allosteric regulator of GABA receptors.
Common AAS that affect the emotion of bodybuilder include Trenbolone, equipoise and mast.
Mesterolone stack with Trenbolone (Tren A and Tren E)
Trenbolone is a powerful AAS that can often be used by experienced bodybuilders. It has to do with how powerful it is, but it also has to do with the side effects it can cause. The emotional side effects of using Trenbolone range from anxiety to lack of sleep. Mesterolone plays an important role in helping bodybuilder relieve anxiety and other emotion effects during the Trenbolone cycle.
Mesterolone ‘s positive emotion effects have been previously underestimated. Using it greatly improves the user’s happiness and avoids negative emotions.
Mesterolone stack with Drostanolone (Masteron and Masteron E)
Mesterolone and Drostanolone are both derivatives of DHT, and stack them to create great synergy. Helps stiffen muscles, prevent water retention, increase libido and more.
Mesterolone also has the effect of locking aromatase and binding to AR and SHBG, increasing the effect of other AAS and amplifying the effect of corresponding compounds.
Mesterolone is not hepatotoxic and using in high doses or for extended periods of time, depending on individual circumstances. At the dosage of 50-150mg a day, it was enough for almost anyone.
Research on Mesterolone proves that it plays an important supporting role. When used in stack with other compounds, in addition to amplifying the effects of other compounds and avoiding some estrogen side effects. Mesterolone also avoids the emotion side effects of bodybuilder. Bayer is also developing Mesterolone for injection as a treatment for depression.