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On March 23rd, 2022, a US customer purchased LGD3303 500g wholesale from Sarms factory, the product has been packed and ready to be shipped to the flight. Here is the picture of the product.
On March 23rd, 2022, our old customer from France contacted me again to buy RAD140 100g, YK11 100g and S4 100g. The products have been packed and ready to be shipped to the flight. Here are the pictures of the products, the picture left 1 is RAD140, left 2 is YK11,right 1 is S4.
On March 23, 2022, a customer from Finland bought GW501516 5g and MK677 10g, the customer bought the sample for the first time, he said he will take the products back for testing, if the test result is qualified, we will have more cooperation. Here are the pictures of the products.
March 23rd, 2022. A regular customer from Ireland purchased 50g of Oxymetholone and 100g of Test A. The products are packed and ready to be shipped. Here are the pictures of the product.