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My old friend, a famous dealer in Dekoo contacted me today and ordered a batch of sarms powder again. he said the quality of our products is always very good and his customers’ feedback is very satisfied.
Today, according to the customer’s request, we will split the product he purchased.
S4 is 200g in total, divided into 100g/bag, 2 bags in total.
MK2866 total 500g, divided into 100g/bag for a total of 2 bags, 200g/bag for a total of 1 bag, and 50g/bag for a total of 2 bags.
S23 total 200g, divided into 100/bag, two bags in total.
MK677 is 1000g, divided into 100/bag, 3 bags, 200g/bag, 3 bags, 50g/bag, 2 bags.
Now the product is packed and ready for the release flight, after that I will provide the shipping bill number for the customer.
Tips:The records we make every day are released only with the customer’s consent, we will not disclose the customer’s privacy to anyone without the customer’s consent.