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Have you often encountered such a phenomenon, when you finish a day of exercise, you will find that you are more fatigued than usual, and even occasionally lose balance. Once bodybuilders in the workout after this situation, you may encounter a performance called overtraining. If you are an avid bodybuilder, and if you want to keep bodybuilding for a long time, then you should learn how to avoid it or even prevent it.
Overexercising is something that many bodybuilders have experienced, but what is it? Simply put, it’s when your body can’t recover from the amount of strenuous exercise you’re experiencing. Nine times out of ten, this will end up in a plateau where you’re basically stuck. You stop progressing and your body doesn’t recover as much as it used to. You’ll find you’re always more tired.
Many people think this is the result of doing the same muscle exercises over and over again. One example is performing the exact same workout routine every day for months on end. In this case, monotony is not your friend. Another example of overtraining and a different variation is when you perform a high intensity workout and don’t allow your body to recover until the next workout day.
Of course, in most cases, you need to be aware of the symptoms of overtraining. Some of them develop earlier than others. Either way, it’s important to keep track. For starters, you may notice more muscle soreness after a workout than is usually the case. You will also experience a different form of fatigue. This is not the kind of fatigue that is usually associated with hard workouts. It’s the kind of fatigue that happens once you’ve had enough rest. Other more noticeable changes may be an increase in resting heart rate, depression, mental breakdowns and increased injuries.
Development of rhabdomyolysis
In more severe cases of overtraining, you can actually develop something called rhabdomyolysis. In this form, your body goes through a breakdown of skeletal muscle that then enters your bloodstream. The different molecules begin to mix with your blood and, if not captured immediately, can lead to a fatal reaction. For this more severe change, you are more likely to see delirium, confusion, agitation, nausea, bruising and weakness.
There are ways to prevent the problem of overtraining. Most are simple lifestyle changes. One change may be your food intake. You can increase your calorie intake by consuming more and different healthy foods. This helps create a better ratio of macronutrients for your body to keep up with. Another thing to remember is to determine if you are deficient in any essential vitamins. If you are, you can replace these vitamins with a multivitamin.
If you end up experiencing overtraining, then the recovery process is not actually your normal process. It’s actually the other way around. Unlike typical active recovery, this type of recovery is designed to provide you with rest. Basically, you start by taking a break from training. This will help your body recover more naturally. If you absolutely cannot take a break from training, at least reduce the intensity of your training to give your body time to recover. Another important option is to change your workout routine. In other words, don’t work the same muscles every day. Do core one day, weapons another, and so on. If you start to feel symptoms trusting your body, slow down and give yourself a good massage to help the affected muscles.
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