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How to stack sarms? – Bulking stack


SARMs bulking refers to using Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) during a bulking phase of bodybuilding or fitness training. The goal of a bulking phase is to gain muscle mass and strength while minimizing fat gain. People like SARMs because they enhance muscle growth and performance without some of anabolic steroids side effects, such as liver toxicity or estrogen conversion.

Key SARMs Used for Bulking

The most used SARMs in bulking cycles are as the following.

RAD-140 (Testolone): Known for its powerful anabolic effects, bodybuilders use RAD-140 to get significant muscle growth, strength gains, and enhanced recovery.

LGD-4033 (Ligandrol): One of the most popular SARMs for bulking, LGD-4033 promotes muscle growth, improves recovery, and increases strength with fewer side effects.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren): Technically not a SARM, MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue. It boosts growth hormone levels, aiding in muscle growth, improved recovery, and increased appetite, which helps in bulking.

YK-11: This SARM works as a myostatin inhibitor, which may lead to enhanced muscle growth beyond natural genetic limits.

S-23: Known for its potency, S-23 can contribute to muscle growth and fat reduction, but it is also associated with stronger suppression of natural testosterone production.

Benefits of SARMs for Bulking

Muscle Growth: SARMs specifically target androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissues, stimulating anabolic activity, leading to increased muscle size and strength.

Fat Loss: Some SARMs, like RAD-140, can also help maintain lean mass while reducing fat.

Faster Recovery: SARMs aid in recovery by improving tissue repair and reducing muscle fatigue.

Minimal Side Effects: Compared to anabolic steroids, SARMs are thought to have fewer side effects, such as reduced liver toxicity and less impact on cholesterol or estrogen levels.

Bulking Cycle & Dosage

SARMs bulking cycles typically last 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the individual and the specific SARM. Dosages vary based on the compound and experience level, but common starting dosages might look like:

RAD-140: 10–20 mg per day

LGD-4033: 5–10 mg per day

MK-677: 20–25 mg per day

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

SARMs can suppress natural testosterone production, especially at higher doses. After a SARMs bulking cycle, many users undergo Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to restore hormonal balance and maintain the muscle gains.

Diet and Training:

To maximize results during a SARMs bulking phase, users typically follow a high-calorie, high-protein diet and engage in heavy resistance training focused on hypertrophy.


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