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Estrogen in men is produced by the action of aromatase on testosterone, and this part of estrogen plays a key role in male health. When male bodybuilders take AAS, testosterone levels rise rapidly in the body, and estrogen levels rise accordingly. High estrogen levels can have a range of effects on male bodybuilders, including bone health, moodiness, gyno, and more. How to solve the problems caused by high estrogen levels that may occur during AAS use?
Where does estrogen come from in men? Because aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen. We couldn’t try to lower testosterone levels, so we targeted aromatase. Both AI letrozol and arimidex bind to estrogens converted by aromatase, so that this part of the estrogen cannot bind to the corresponding estrogen receptors, thus reducing the effect of estrogen. The effect of AI ememestan/Aromasin is more direct, it directly kills aromatase, so that testosterone won’t revert into estrogen.
How to choose these three AI relate to the estrogen levels of the bodybuilders, but also to the corresponding estrogen symptoms. If you only to prevent high estrogen levels or early estrogen symptoms, Arimidex is the choice at 0.5mg per week or every 3.5 days. Aromasin needs attention because it kills aromatase, the body needs time to produce new aromatase, in the process, there may be low estrogen symptoms. Letrozole reduces estrogen levels by 98%, so we didn’t often use it in AAS cycle, but in PCT or for the treatment of gyno.
AAS can be divided into two main categories, testosterone and DHT. Testosterone could converte to estrogen, whereas DHT is not. So using DHT-type AAS can avoid the side effects of estrogen. Testosterone AAS include testosterone, trenbolone, nandrolone, boldenone, dianabol. DHT AAS include Masteron, primobolan, anavar, winstrol, anadrol, proviron, superdrol. Some bodybuilders are better tolerant to estrogen, and some bodybuilders are more sensitive to estrogen and are prone to high estrogen symptoms. Therefore, it is possible to choose whether to use testosterone aas or DHT AAS based on this category. This is not to say that DHT-like AAS are better, DHT does not have estrogenic side effects, but there are androgenic side effects that belong to it.
Within these AAS, there are also special presence that give bodybuilders more options. Aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen, so we need to deal with estrogen side effects. However, if use masteron combine with testosterone, there is no need to worry about estrogen side effects. Because masteron itself does not aromatize into estrogen, it also has anti-estrogen effects, and use it with testosterone, it enhances the effects of testosterone and avoids high estrogen side effects.