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For bodybuilders, when talk about steroids, the reference must be to anabolic steroids. So, we use steroid anabolic steroid. However, normally speaking, steroid is not equal to anabolic steroid, anabolic steroid is just one type of steroid. So, how do we classify steroid?
From the view of steroid, we can classify steroid into five categories, which are glucocorticoid, corticosteroid, progesterone, estrogen and androgen.
Glucocorticoids involve in the production of glucose and glycogen, the breakdown of proteins and fats, and the prevention of inflammation. Glucocorticoids involve in stress response and are producing by the adrenal cortex. An important glucocorticoid is cortisol.
Corticosteroids work with the kidneys to regulate blood volume and blood pressure. They are also produced primarily by the adrenal cortex. Glucocorticoids and corticosteroids are sometimes called corticosteroids because they are both produced by the adrenal cortex. An important salt corticosterone is aldosterone.
Progesterone is involved in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy maintenance. They synthesizing mainly by the corpus luteum. The main progesterone is progesterone.
Estrogen promotes the development of a woman’s secondary sex characteristics and plays a role in the ovarian cycle. They are made primarily by the ovaries. An important type of estrogen is estrone.
Androgens promote the development of male secondary sex characteristics. Mainly the testicles produce them. One important androgen is testosterone.
From the above, we can see that anabolic steroids come from testosterone, which is a major male hormone, while androgen is a kind of steroid. So, anabolic steroid is a kind of steroid.
In terms of the function it achieves, we can devide it into three categories, which are sex hormones, corticosteroids and anabolic steroids.
Among them:
Sex hormones, including estrogen, progesterone and androgens
Corticosteroids, including corticosteroids and glucocorticoids
Anabolic steroid, which is a synthetic androgen.
We can see from the above, base on the function, we can classify steroid into two classes, namely sex hormones and corticosteroids. Because anabolic steroid is actually an androgen. It’s just that sex hormones and corticosteroids are self-producing, while anabolic steroids are usually synthetic.