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Handling estrogen is an essential lesson in the use of AAS. Gyno is the result of the accumulation of excess estrogen. What should I do if I have gyno symptoms? In the treatment of gyno, there are three processes, namely gyno prevention, gyno flare-up and gyno reversal. These three cases are described in detail below.
Gyno formation is due to the accumulation of estrogen, so preventing estrogen levels in advance and preventing them from rising above normal levels can prevent gyno formation.
During the use of AAS, the source of estrogen in the body is mostly androgens. The key factor that converts androgens into estrogen is aromatase. Aromatase works by aromatizing testosterone molecules and converting them into estrogen. Therefore, the key to preventing gyno is estrogen and aromatase.
By controlling the conversion of testosterone to estrogen by aromatase, you can block the production of estrogen, thereby avoiding the occurrence of estrogen beyond normal levels and producing gyno symptoms. This is how Exemestan(Aromasin) works. Aromasin directly destroys the aromatase and kills the estrogen attached to the aromatase, avoiding the production of estrogen at the root.
Another way to prevent the effect of estrogen is to occupy the estrogen receptors in the body, so that the estrogen produced by the body cannot bind to the estrogen receptors, thus blocking the effect of estrogen. This is how Arimidex and Letrozol work.
If using AAS in the cycle will produce a large amount of estrogen, and it not well prevente in advance, resulting in long-term estrogen control, and the initial symptoms of gyno such as nipple swelling, pain or itching begin to appear, it is the gyno flare-up stage. This indicates that you are not using enough anti-estrogen (AI) dose and need to increase the dose of AI. SERM is also a treatment.
Serms (selective estrogen receptor modulators) also bind to estrogen receptors to block the effect of estrogen and avoid the occurrence of gyno. They are mostly used in PCTS. Common SERMs are Tamoxifen(Nolvadex), Reloxifene and Clomiphene.
Because AI Arimidex affects the use of Arimidex when used with SERM Nolvadex, Reloxifene can replace Nolvadex when AI is used with SERM.
The Gyno reversal stage means that gyno symptoms have developed, and at this stage, usually need surgery . If your gyno development comes from the use of AAS, SERM treatment works in most cases. When using SERM to treat gyno reversal, Tamoxifen is not usually suitable, tamoxifen is for PCT, not gyno flare-up or gyno reversal. SERM reloxifene is to treat gyno reversal, along with the addition of Cabergoline.