Triiodothyronine T3 is not an anabolic steroid, but it plays a similar role to anabolic steroids to some extent. Although it is a drug used to treat hypothyroidism, but as a hormone (thyroid hormone), use T3 for bodybuilding, there will be corresponding side effects. Thyroid axis inhibition The first is the inhibition similar to that of anabolic steroids. Exogenous T3 …
We have talked about how triiodothyronine T3 improves overall basal metabolism to help bodybuilders increase energy levels, reduce fat and build muscle, so what are the benefits of T3 for bodybuilding? Hoy, we will expand the description. Lose fat and cutting It’s not just obese people who need to lose fat, but bodybuilders too. Culturistas’ fat loss process is often called …
En el artículo anterior, aprendimos sobre el papel de las hormonas tiroideas T3 y T4, y encontró que T3 está jugando principalmente un beneficio, y no vio las ventajas de T4. Entonces puedo comprar T3 directamente, por qué comprar T4? Primero, necesitamos entender la relación entre T3 y T4. La glándula tiroides es una glándula endocrina en forma de mariposa …