Para muchas personas, 300ng/dL es un nivel muy bajo de testosterona. Si el nivel de testosterona es este valor, Puede haber ciertos síntomas de testosterona baja. Sin embargo, Los niveles normales de testosterona oscilan entre 264 hasta 916 ng/dL, lo que indica que 300 ng/dL es un valor normal. ¿Por qué hay una gama tan amplia de niveles de testosterona?? This is because men’s testosterone levels are constantly changing …
Normal testosterone levels are between 264 y 916 ng/dL, while some men with high testosterone level around 1000ng/dL still have low testosterone symptoms, including severe fatigue, slow recovery from exercise, libido problems, mild ED, depresión, ansiedad, and even reduced erections in the morning. Today we talk about possible causes. Production and form of testosterone The hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) controls the release …