» péptidos » Safe shipping peptides Gonadorelin for bodybuilding dosage and benefits

Safe shipping peptides Gonadorelin for bodybuilding dosage and benefits

Peptides Gonadorelin
Pureza:99% Hplc
Orden mínima: 1caja
pago:Bitcoin,Moneygram y Wester Union
Plazo de entrega:24horas después del pago recibido
Envío seguro a EE.UU. y la mayor parte del país europeo
Almacenamiento:Sombreado, preservación confinada,2-8℃

  • descripción

péptidos La gonadorelina es responsable de la liberación de la hormona estimulante del folículo y de la hormona leutinizante del epiutitario anterior

Nombre del producto:Gonadorelina
Pureza:encima 98%
especificación:2mg/vial, 10mg/vial
Aspecto:Polvo liofilizado blanco
Método de análisis: Hplc
Almacenamiento: Péptidos liofilizados aunque estables a temperatura ambiente 3 Meses, debe almacenarse desecado por debajo de -18° C. Tras la reconstitución del péptido debe almacenarse a 4° C entre 2-21 días y para uso futuro por debajo de -18° C.

Beneficios de la gonadorelina

Beofore conocemos el beneficio de la gonadorelina,we need to know how gonadorelin work first.
For evaluating the functional capacity and response of the gonadotropes of the anterior pituitary also for evaluating residual gonadotropic function of the pituitary following removal of a pituitary tumor by surgery and/or irradiation.

Gonadorelin benefits:In the pituitary GnRH stimulates synthesis and release of FSH and LH, a process that control by the frequency and amplitude of GnRH pulses, as well as the feedback of androgens and estrogens.
The pulsatility of GnRH secretion has been seen in all vertebrates, and it is necessary to ensure a correct reproductive function. Thus a single hormone, GnRH, controls a complex process of follicular growth, ovulación, and corpus luteum maintenance in the female, and spermatogenesis in the male. Its short half life requires infusion pumps for its clinical use

Gonadorelin benefits:SystemicLike naturally occurring gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), gonadorelin primarily stimulates the synthesis and release of luteinizing hormone (LH) de la glándula pituitaria anterior. Gonadrorelin also increase Follicle-stimulating hormone (Aso) production and release by gonadorelin, pero en menor grado.

Gonadorelin benefits:En mujeres prepúberes y algunos trastornos de la función gonadal, la respuesta de la FSH puede ser mayor que la respuesta de la LH. Para el tratamiento de la amenorrea, Retraso de la pubertad, and infertility the administration of gonadorelin use to simulate the physiologic release of GnRH from the hypothalamus in treatment of delayed puberty, Tratamiento de la infertilidad causada por hipogonadismo hipogonadotrópico, e inducción de la ovulación en aquellas mujeres con amenorrea hipotalámica. Esto da como resultado un aumento de los niveles de gonadotropinas hipofisarias LH y FSH, que posteriormente estimulan las gónadas para producir esteroides reproductivos.

Gonadorelin clinical benefits

Gonadorelin benefits mainly in the clinical differential diagnosis of male or female reproductive disorders caused by hypothalamus or hypophysis, Insuficiencia gonadal atrófica, amenorrea de galactorrea, Amenorrea primaria y secundaria, Menopausia y menopausia precoz, Tumor hipofisario, pituitary organ damage and de facto hypothalamic dysfunction.
It is a synthetic gonadotropin releasing hormone, which belongs to peptide compound and is decapeptide.
The indications Gonadorelin benefit are as follows:
1. For the diagnosis of hypothalamus pituitary gonadal dysfunction.
2. To treat the infertility caused by amenorrhea, gonadotropin insufficiency and polycystic ovary.
3. Gonarelin or its analogues buserelin, goserelin, leuprorelin, nafarelin and triptorelin can also use for contraception, criptorquidia, malignant tumors (especially prostate cancer), delayed and early puberty.
4. It can also use for endometriosis.
5. It is for ovulation induction to treat infertility and primary ovarian insufficiency caused by hypothalamic amenorrhea, especially for patients with clomiphene ineffectiveness.
6. It is also used for cryptorchidism, androgen excess and pituitary tumor in children. The drug should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

Gonadorelin bodybuilding Benefits

As the SystemicLike naturally occurring gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), gonadorelin primarily stimulates the synthesis and release of luteinizing hormone (LH) de la glándula pituitaria anterior,este beneficio de la gonadorelina también es utilizado por muchos culturistas para hacer crecer los músculos.

Gonadorelin peptides Dosage for culturismo Beneficios

usualmente,Si es la primera vez que lo utilizas, la mejor dosis inicial de gonadorelina es de 2 mg. A medida que el cuerpo se adapta gradualmente, Aumente la dosis de forma adecuada.


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