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Péptidos Tesamorelin beneficios en el culturismo


Tesamorelin acts as an analogue of GHRH, promoting the release of GH and IGF-1, and is an commonly using anabolic peptides for bodybuilders, what are peptides Tesamorelin benefits in bodybuilding?

Reduce abdominal fat

Tesamorelin can improve fat distribution in patients with lipodystrophy and promote the reduction of abdominal fat. In HIV patients with abdominal fat accumulation, daily subcutaneous injection of 2mg Tesamorelin treatment resulted in a sustained reduction in visceral fat.

en 2010, the FDA approve the use of Tesamorelin to reduce excess abdominal fat in HIV-infected malnourished patients, and experiments show that the average abdominal fat reduce by about 18% después 6 months of treatment with Tesamorelin.

Aumentar la masa muscular

Tesamorelin increases skeletal muscle density (reduce la grasa) and skeletal muscle area, supporting an overall improvement in muscle mass.

En el juicio, a significant increase in total muscle density and muscle area in all four trunk muscle groups (recto abdominal, anterolateral abdominis, psoas major, and paravertebral muscles) was observed by computed tomography (CT) after Tesamorelin treatment.

Improve liver health

For both male and female patients with liver fat accumulation, treatment with Tesamorelin for 12 months resulted in a significant reduction in liver fat. In treatment, Tesamorelin causes a significant increase in creatine phosphate, which effectively protects the liver from hypoxia and impaired blood flow.

Improve blood lipid profile and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Tesamorelin has beneficial effects on triglyceride, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein. Use Tesamorelin to reduce visceral fat, improve blood lipid and blood sugar status, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Improve cognitive function

Tesamorelin, as an analogue of GHRH, has a significant effect on brain function. For people with age-related memory problems and those with chronic progressive mental decline, Tesamorelin use improves executive function, verbal and visual memory, thinking skills, and neurocognitive abilities.

Tesamorelin benefits in Treatment of nerve injury

Nerve damage can lead to impaired motor and sensory function in the affected area, and research shows that the use of Tesamorelin can speed up the healing of damaged nerves.

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