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Soy un 33 año de edad, 5’4.5 “woman and this is my Semaglutida weight loss journey to lose 52 LIBRAS. Todo el proceso duró más de un año, y el peso bajó de 177 libras a 125 Libras, y la semaglutida 2,4 mg se sigue utilizando hoy en día.
I learned about Semaglutide weight loss from the forum and saw many successful cases. When I decided to start Semaglutide, I weighed 177 pounds and my goal weight was 145 Libras. It took me about 11 months to reach this goal, starting at 0.25mg.
The lowest I ever weighed was 135 Libras, around the time I graduated high school. In the years that followed, I kept gaining weight. Now I’ve lost 50 Libras, acerca de 30 percent of my original body weight, with almost no effort. I didn’t count calories or make any specific changes to my food this whole time, but Semaglutide really helped me stop overeating. No solo eso, but in the last 6 Semanas, my weight has dropped to a new low of 125 Libras. I’m glad my weight is hovering around 125 pounds right now.
During the titration of the Semaglutide dose, I had mild side effects, including some stomach upset and dizziness from position changes. I’ve been suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease and visceral allergies, so I was prepared to deal with the digestive side effects, but the actual reactions were not as severe as I thought. I think that’s partly because I’ve been watching my diet, avoiding spicy, greasy, and GERD foods, and staying hydrated. Some allergic reactions also cause my stomach to upset, such as peanut butter allergy.
Before I actually lost weight, I probably weighed more than 177 pounds because my highest weight was 185 Libras. Después de perder peso, my back and knees feel much better. I look totally different, too. I don’t know how my size has changed. But my waist went from 39 inches to 28 inches. And my boobs got smaller, from A C to an A, I think. My doctor says I look totally different. The size of my hand also changed, the wedding ring became loose, and I had to resize the ring. The best part is I get to wear dresses all summer.
I plan to use Semaglutide until my insurance no longer covers it, and with its help, my entire weight loss journey has been much easier than I thought it would be. I haven’t made much change in my lifestyle, I eat healthy foods like fish, chicken, arroz, verduras, fruta, cheese/yogurt, I also eat some junk foods like iced coffee, candy, bubble tea, ice cream, sugary cereals, baked goods. But with Semaglutide, I do eat a lot less than I used to. My activity hasn’t changed much since before Semaglutide, either, con acerca de 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day and sometimes a day off a week.
Above is my share from using Semaglutide from 177 libras a 125 Libras, I hope each of you will be as successful as I was. Good luck!